XY Sky Battles: Grounded Flyers?


Wild War Dance
While I was thinking about the awesome new feature of being able to have Sky Battles, I was wondering what would happen to all the Pokémon that are shown to be able to fly, but don't have the Flying type or Levitate ability.

Here are some examples:

The list can go on. Also there have been many legendary Pokémon that are able to levitate, but don't have the ability. Celebi and Mew are examples.

I'm curious about if and how Gamefreak will deal with this. I came up with some crazy and one less crazy idea. What are you thoughts?

Idea 1: Three types
For many Pokémon, having two types simply is not enough, since they have characteristics from more. The above mentioned are a few of them, but now with the new Fairy type there are more. Many Pokémon that fit the Fairy type already have two types, could Gamefreak consider giving all these Pokémon a third type?

Idea 2:
Another solution is having more than one ability, and the before mentioned Pokémon will get Levitate on top of their own abilities.

Idea 3:
Sky Battles are not based on having the Flying type or Levitate ability (I think they confirmed Levitating Pokémon could also participate, but didn't mention it was a requirement to have Levitate or the Flying type), and could be selected based on whether it would be logical for the Pokémon to be in one or not.
RE: Sky Battles: Grounded Pokémon

Drohn said:
Idea 3:
Sky Battles are not based on having the Flying type or Levitate ability (I think they confirmed Levitating Pokémon could also participate, but didn't mention it was a requirement to have Levitate or the Flying type), and could be selected based on whether it would be logical for the Pokémon to be in one or not.

Ding ding ding, we have a winner. There are a lot of non-Flying-types that it would be silly to ban from Sky Battles. And on the flip side of that - as hilarious as it would be - I don't think Doduo and Dodrio will be allowed even though they are part-Flying. The simplest way to implement this, even simpler than checking for Flying type or Levitation, would be a simple hidden binary stat: Sky Battles Off or Sky Battles On.

I do have to wonder, though, how they'll handle Formes. Will Giratina be banned in Altered Forme but allowed in Origin Forme, etc.?
RE: Sky Battles: Grounded Pokémon

DorianBlack said:
I do have to wonder, though, how they'll handle Formes. Will Giratina be banned in Altered Forme but allowed in Origin Forme, etc.?

That's a good point, Shaymin and Giratina might only be able to participate in their Sky/Levitate forms.
RE: Sky Battles: Grounded Pokémon

DorianBlack said:
Drohn said:
Idea 3:
Sky Battles are not based on having the Flying type or Levitate ability (I think they confirmed Levitating Pokémon could also participate, but didn't mention it was a requirement to have Levitate or the Flying type), and could be selected based on whether it would be logical for the Pokémon to be in one or not.

Ding ding ding, we have a winner. There are a lot of non-Flying-types that it would be silly to ban from Sky Battles. And on the flip side of that - as hilarious as it would be - I don't think Doduo and Dodrio will be allowed even though they are part-Flying. The simplest way to implement this, even simpler than checking for Flying type or Levitation, would be a simple hidden binary stat: Sky Battles Off or Sky Battles On.

That's probably the best explanantion. Have you ever used fly with a doduo or dodrio on coluseum or xd? it's hilarious
RE: Sky Battles: Grounded Pokémon

I personally think pretty much anything with wings will be allowed into sky battles, along with levitating and flying types. However, I think it would be a bit ridiculous if you lost a sky battle and "whited/blacked out" when you have 5 other Pokemon on your team that can still fight, but just cant fly.
RE: Sky Battles: Grounded Pokémon

DorianBlack said:
Drohn said:
Idea 3:
Sky Battles are not based on having the Flying type or Levitate ability (I think they confirmed Levitating Pokémon could also participate, but didn't mention it was a requirement to have Levitate or the Flying type), and could be selected based on whether it would be logical for the Pokémon to be in one or not.

Ding ding ding, we have a winner. There are a lot of non-Flying-types that it would be silly to ban from Sky Battles. And on the flip side of that - as hilarious as it would be - I don't think Doduo and Dodrio will be allowed even though they are part-Flying. The simplest way to implement this, even simpler than checking for Flying type or Levitation, would be a simple hidden binary stat: Sky Battles Off or Sky Battles On.

I do have to wonder, though, how they'll handle Formes. Will Giratina be banned in Altered Forme but allowed in Origin Forme, etc.?

Doduo's pokedex entry from Yellow version: Its short wings make flying difficult. Instead this Pokemon runs at high speed on developed legs. Actually I can see them putting Doduo in the sky battles just for the hell of it (it can also learn fly for some reason)
RE: Sky Battles: Grounded Pokémon

I was thinking the same thing yesterday. I was thinking about how neat Reshiram and Zekrom will look in the X&Y and then I was wondering if they would be involved in Sky Battles. They both have wings and are able to learn fly so why not?
RE: Sky Battles: Grounded Pokémon

I agree with the idea that it'll be based on what could logically be in the air or not.
To allow Pokemon like Doduo while disallowing Reshiram/Zekrom would just be... I dunno. Sloppy. Like DorianBlack said, it would be as easy as an extra byte in their data (probably for their species as a whole since changing the data format for individuals would create problems with gen 5 -> gen 6 migrating...) determining whether they're sky-ready or not. I don't think it'll be as strict as "only Flying types and Pokemon with Levitate".

Now, with that, I just have one question:
Could you participate with an Air Balloon?
RE: Sky Battles: Grounded Pokémon

It seems odd that some Pokemon that fly wouldn't be in the sky battles but Pokemon like Bronzong or Doduo would. Pokemon as Dustox, Volbeat/Illuminise, Beedril, etc. wouldn't be there.

If Air Balloon would be allowed I would imagine that if you are hit it is instant KO. But will Stealth Rock be allowed?
RE: Sky Battles: Grounded Pokémon

Flys Gone 2071 said:
It seems odd that some Pokemon that fly wouldn't be in the sky battles but Pokemon like Bronzong or Doduo would. Pokemon as Dustox, Volbeat/Illuminise, Beedril, etc. wouldn't be there.

If Air Balloon would be allowed I would imagine that if you are hit it is instant KO. But will Stealth Rock be allowed?

That is also something I am curious about, will certain moves be banned? If they do allow Beedrill for example in a Sky Battle, will it still be hit by Ground type attacks? And I'm guessing the move Gravity will be banned.
RE: Sky Battles: Grounded Pokémon

Golurk in a sky battle = awesome

I'd hope shedinja, scizor, deoxys, and even metagross can participate.
RE: Sky Battles: Grounded Pokémon

Drohn said:
Flys Gone 2071 said:
It seems odd that some Pokemon that fly wouldn't be in the sky battles but Pokemon like Bronzong or Doduo would. Pokemon as Dustox, Volbeat/Illuminise, Beedril, etc. wouldn't be there.

If Air Balloon would be allowed I would imagine that if you are hit it is instant KO. But will Stealth Rock be allowed?

That is also something I am curious about, will certain moves be banned? If they do allow Beedrill for example in a Sky Battle, will it still be hit by Ground type attacks? And I'm guessing the move Gravity will be banned.

Banning gravity would give a big boost to Skarm as only Fire Blast will counter it because GF doesn't want to give Magnezone Levitate.
RE: Sky Battles: Grounded Pokémon

Flys Gone 2071 said:
Drohn said:
That is also something I am curious about, will certain moves be banned? If they do allow Beedrill for example in a Sky Battle, will it still be hit by Ground type attacks? And I'm guessing the move Gravity will be banned.

Banning gravity would give a big boost to Skarm as only Fire Blast will counter it because GF doesn't want to give Magnezone Levitate.

You still have the ever so common electric-type moves.
RE: Sky Battles: Grounded Pokémon

Flys Gone 2071 said:
Drohn said:
That is also something I am curious about, will certain moves be banned? If they do allow Beedrill for example in a Sky Battle, will it still be hit by Ground type attacks? And I'm guessing the move Gravity will be banned.

Banning gravity would give a big boost to Skarm as only Fire Blast will counter it because GF doesn't want to give Magnezone Levitate.

I see your point, Gravity can give an added weakness to Flying/Steel Pokémon, and also to the other types that had their weakness for Ground removed due to their dual Flying type (Fire, Electric, Steel, Rock, and Poison Pokémon).

If it is banned it is one less thing to fear for these Pokémon in Sky Battles, but I don't think the affects will be huge, since they are already immune to Ground type moves by default.
RE: Sky Battles: Grounded Pokémon

I've figured they should just make "is airborne" a separate stat and get rid of Flying being immune to Ground (since there'd be no point in it then lol).

Its weird when they make more and more pokes that either fly and are hit by Ground moves, or some that don't have a proper ability because of a forced (inappropriate to the concept) Levitate.
For some it makes sense, like Bronzong, the lake guadians and the Latis for example, since their wings are merely aerodynamic features, not what allows them to stay in the air. Stuff like Weezing should get a different named identical ability at least like Float...but there is no hope for Vanilluxe other than the "airborne y/n" stat S:

Why the hell did Carnivine get Levitate lol. Its totally flying due to some psychic-esque ability right?
RE: Sky Battles: Grounded Pokémon

Mitja said:
Why the hell did Carnivine get Levitate lol. Its totally flying due to some psychic-esque ability right?
I just realized this. What? My guess would be because Carnivine's legs cannot support itself, but then again, I don't remember seeing it float in the anime.

I agree with you on the airborne yes/no stat thing tho.
I think the original idea with Carnivine was probably that it would live above the ground on the sides of trees, and that concept just got lost somewhere along the way. (At least that's the only explanation I can think of aside from "I dunno, it's just magic?".)

I think it'd be nice if there was some other set of traits aside from types and abilities that dealt with stuff like how a Pokémon moves, considering how much more important it's gotten since the start of the series. All flying Pokémon could have a "Aerial" or "Levitating" trait whether or not they're Flying-type, and Flying's Ground immunity could be removed. That would clear up the Sky Battles issue, allow Levitate to be retired in lieu of better Abilities, and prevent Pokémon like Doduo from having weird immunities and HM moves that they really shouldn't have. I doubt something that drastic could ever happen (and it's definitely not happening this generation), but the fact that Moves' physicalness or specialness became new separate qualities relatively recently gives me hope for reform.
Here's my guesses for what floating/Levitate Pokemon do and don't get in

  • Beedrill
  • Venomoth
  • Magnezone (pre-evolutions are smaller and generate a smaller electromagnetic field)
  • Gastly family
  • Koffing and Weezing
  • the Mews
  • Misdreavus and Mismagius
  • Unown
  • Heracross
  • Celebi
  • Dustox
  • Shedinja (lol good luck battling here, buddy)
  • Volbeat and Illumise
  • Flygon
  • Lunatone and Solrock
  • Baltoy and Claydol
  • Castform
  • Shuppet, Banette
  • Dusknoir
  • Chimecho
  • Beldum family
  • Lati@s
  • Jirachi and Deoxys
  • Kricketune
  • Bronzor and Bronzong
  • Gliscor
  • Rotom thru Palkia
  • Giratina, Cresselia, Darkrai, Shaymin Sky, Arceus
  • Lampent, Chandelure
  • Golurk (maybe)
  • Hydreigon
  • Volcarona and Tao Trio

  • Basic Stage Beginning Birds
  • Magnemite thru Dodrio
  • Gyarados
  • Ledyba/ian
  • Natu
  • Gligar
  • Mantyke and Mantine
  • Combee and Vespiquen
  • Carnivine
  • Victini
  • Munna and Musharna
  • Cottonee, Whimsicott
  • Yamask, Cofagrigus
  • Archen
  • Solosis family
  • Emolga
  • Frillish, Lellicent
  • Tynamo Family
  • Klink family
  • Cryogonal
  • Golurk (maybe?)
GameFreak has messed things up more than this, levitating and Flying Pokémon only is something they would do.