XY Sky Battles: Grounded Flyers?

If you look at the animation for certain Pokemon, you see that some are flying in their battle animation when normally we would see them resting on the ground (such as Charizard or Salamence), but others (such as Fletchling) are resting on the ground. I think this is how they will differentiate who will be able to compete in Sky Battles, and those who cannot.
Genius has a good point. I can see where he's coming from, and it makes sense. Pokemon that levitate, or are naturally nor resting on the ground will get in, and then those with wings are a no-brainer.
Drohn said:
While I was thinking about the awesome new feature of being able to have Sky Battles, I was wondering what would happen to all the Pokémon that are shown to be able to fly, but don't have the Flying type or Levitate ability.

Here are some examples:

The list can go on. Also there have been many legendary Pokémon that are able to levitate, but don't have the ability. Celebi and Mew are examples.

I'm curious about if and how Gamefreak will deal with this. I came up with some crazy and one less crazy idea. What are you thoughts?

Idea 1: Three types
For many Pokémon, having two types simply is not enough, since they have characteristics from more. The above mentioned are a few of them, but now with the new Fairy type there are more. Many Pokémon that fit the Fairy type already have two types, could Gamefreak consider giving all these Pokémon a third type?

Idea 2:
Another solution is having more than one ability, and the before mentioned Pokémon will get Levitate on top of their own abilities.

Idea 3:
Sky Battles are not based on having the Flying type or Levitate ability (I think they confirmed Levitating Pokémon could also participate, but didn't mention it was a requirement to have Levitate or the Flying type), and could be selected based on whether it would be logical for the Pokémon to be in one or not.

About Scizor . . .

Those wings are not used for flying by the way. Do not assume that it can fly just because it has wings as well. Scizor's wings are used to adjust body temperature apparently.
Scyther's wings are for "flying" just above the ground, like Garchomp

Scizor's are for speed, managing body temperature, and... yeah.

Wings doesn't always = Flying
FloodBadge said:
Scyther's wings are for "flying" just above the ground, like Garchomp

Scizor's are for speed, managing body temperature, and... yeah.

Wings doesn't always = Flying

Eh, Scyther and Garchomp can probably literally fly if they wanted to (even though Garchomp can't learn fly some things can actually fly long distances and in the sky in these games and not learn fly, looking at you Yanmega)
Metalizard said:
I believe that episode where Tracey catches Scyther shows that Scythers can indeed fly...

Isn't that the episode where they murdered Jessie's hair? I think that was the first time we found out that she hated her hair to be messed with. Yeah, they can fly.
Scizor is seen flying in the episode where Ash leaves his Gliscor behind. He is shown to be a great flyer actually. Also there have been other episodes where I saw Scizor fly; although that is not really the main focus of this thread.
The idea for having a separate identifier for pokemon that can be in sky battles makes sense, and seems like the best solution, but I figure they'll probably just have flying types and levitate pokemon. I mean, lots of things physically levitate or fly but get hit by earthquake, so...
Zarco said:
The idea for having a separate identifier for pokemon that can be in sky battles makes sense, and seems like the best solution, but I figure they'll probably just have flying types and levitate pokemon. I mean, lots of things physically levitate or fly but get hit by earthquake, so...
Nothing that has the Levitate ability or is Flying type can be hit by Earthquake...
Alix Rooker said:
Zarco said:
The idea for having a separate identifier for pokemon that can be in sky battles makes sense, and seems like the best solution, but I figure they'll probably just have flying types and levitate pokemon. I mean, lots of things physically levitate or fly but get hit by earthquake, so...
Nothing that has the Levitate ability or is Flying type can be hit by Earthquake...

I think he means non flying types that have levitating sprites, like the magnemite line
leecario said:
Alix Rooker said:
Nothing that has the Levitate ability or is Flying type can be hit by Earthquake...

I think he means non flying types that have levitating sprites, like the magnemite line
I thought that was what he was referencing, but I forgot that they don't have the Levitate ability, even as a Hidden ability.
/facepalms myself