Skyla. What kind of impact will it have?

Milky said:
Sableye + Computer Search + Skyla + Bycicle = Most broken engine.

True story. I don't know if most of the decks will be able to keep up with Darkrai/Hydreigon because of that engine.
Anyway, Skyla is a great card and basically just makes T2 Stage 2 very possible by getting that Rare Candy that you whiffed or that Empoleon that you didn't get (assuming you can use Communication or Ultra Ball, of course). I like it a lot. I think most decks will run 2 atleast. Also hoping for a Full Art version :p
Well, you could always tech in a Sableye, although it is a little less seamless than the card in Darkrai/Hydreigon. It also makes the particular turn you use it slightly slower because you burn a turn attacking, although it is worth the trade off. Darkrai/Hydreigon and Eels will still be the BDIF even before then, but we have to wait until after regionals for BW6 and 7 anyway. It'll be great for worlds and nationals especially though.
I don't tink that would work too well. It is hard to get that Prism or Blend when you need it without Smeargle anymore. But it is possible. We'll have to wait and see :D
Roronoa Zoro said:
I don't tink that would work too well. It is hard to get that Prism or Blend when you need it without Smeargle anymore. But it is possible. We'll have to wait and see :D

Energy search will still be in the format. I don't think special energies will see a lot of play in decks that don't require the additional versatility, for example, Eels requires only dark energy to tech in Sableye, the energy working for Zekrom too is just a bonus, but negligible at best.

It just takes a huge hit in consistency. Putting in the Sableye won't do much in the way of hurting consistency, but removing DCE in favour of Dark will. Darkrai/Hydreigon will however be the most effective user of Sableye because it has type advantage.

This thread isn't exactly the place to discuss this, so we'll continue this over PM or profile comments if you'd like, but Zekrorm gains a huge advantage in all aspects. Zekrom EX suddenly can knock out those big Stage 2 Garchomp and Hydreigon. Raikou EX snipes Altaria without burning a catcher and is still effective in the mirror match. You could possibly tech in a Rayquaza EX or regular Rayquaza that can get donks against some of the most played basic evolution Pokemon. It also has a leg up when it comes to Mewtwo wars, not many decks will run it because of lack of energy acceleration; Shaymin, GarTaria etc. Darkrai Hydreigon loses speed and a lot of its energy acceleration, especially because Hydreigon requires a constant stream of dark to attack, even though you probably don't want to use his attack. It gains Hydreigon and the Sableye engine.
Discussing Sableye on this thread is sort of relevant since it has synergy with Skyla.

I don't think it would be worth it to tech Sableye into Eels, or any deck besides Darkrai. Eels already has it's starter, Thundurus, and that's all Sableye is in Darkrai/Hydreigon. You rarely ever attack with Sableye past the first 2-3 turns. In most decks, I'd rather have Emolga or Thundurus, since they don't require you to change up your energy line. Also, I'd much rather have a Turn 2 80 than get back two trainers IF I happen to have the Dark Energy.
It isn't worth it to tech Sableye in, because the list won't be consistent and it won't be worth it and I'm not sure what the rulings are, since Skyla does say Trainers, which even Supporters and Stadiums are now..... So yeah, what the rulings say will determine if Skyla is good, or broken.
Yeah...I think it's made for the ace spec on the the most part, and other cards like rare candy.