Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure/Universe

Here's something that just happened:

*4 months ago*
Friend: Hey dude, want my Prism Break Skylander? I couldn't sell it.
Ok, sure.

Ah, time to register all my Skylanders on Skylander's Universe.
*scans Prism Break*
"Sorry, this Skylander is already in use by another Portal Master"
*flips table*

And in other news, just got Trigger Happy. Now, all I need is an Undead Skylander to 100% the game... Not including expansion stuff...
My friends and I picked up both games on day one.
Adventure was a decent game but I grew bored of it after running outta figures to level and upgrade (I collected 24/32 original).
I put two shelves up on my wall to sit all my Skyles on. While the presentation looks good, it can be a small hassle to have to drag them all down and place them all back up again.

My shelves grew dusty in the nearly four months of inactivity before the release of Giants.
IMO, Giants is better since it's more fun and challenging!
I'm working on it currently and have yet to finish the main story b/c I've been caught-up in playing other games as well and Giants doesn't get priority.

The very best part of the games in the multiplayer modes and that's what I spend most of my time playing!!
Me: I got Lightcore Drobot... But it wont work. Might as well see it light up...
*registers as regular Drobot on S: SA*
