Finished Slap the Poster Above You With Anything 4 [YPPY]

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scattered mind enters a time machine and slaps steffenka with past-scattered mind from 2 posts ago.
*thegrovylekid slaps scattered mind with that new Promo Celebi, causing him to feel the slap in the past, present and future*
*Yeowie pulls out a Slap-o-matic 5000 from the future and proceeds to slap thegrovylekid with it*
*EMP slaps King Arceus with the chair of kings, IT WAS SUPER EFFECTIVE! King Arceus has been dethroned*
I will now accept any punishment I get for posting that.
*thegrovylekid slaps Scattered Mind with anything because that's what the title specifically states to slap the poster above you with.*
*Yeowie slaps thegrovylekid with everything. The nine dimensions of space and reality have broken, and the time dimension collapsed in on itself!*
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