Sleeve Problems


Fang x Joker
So I posted this yesterday on the official POP Judge forums as a means to address a problem and current issues with the current POP sleeves and rulings.

(RE-POST from BlazeTK on the Pokemon OP Judge Forums) said:
Recently I took part in entering a state tournament where one of the deck checkers told almost every player to re-sleeve their decks. Now I completely understand that some should have probably been, but when I noticed that it was a majority out of just one of the lines having to, it jumped to my attention. I had talked to many players who seemed pretty upset about it, considering upon my look at their sleeves I noticed that they probably shouldn't have had to re-sleeve. After I noticed, and had people tell me of, players that had some nasty sleeves or damaged sleeves that went through other lines that were not told to re-sleeve when they probably should have, making the system very inconsistent. Now I personally think it's no big deal but several people I talked to had to go and purchase new sleeves from the store before the tournament. Now since POP tournament's are usually free some people might not have the money to go spend on sleeves, except for maybe food money, and some people might not carry extra sleeves on them. This might also be discouraging and inconvenient for new or younger players who are just getting into the game and are getting told to buy brand new sleeves after most likely already just purchasing sleeves or using POP legal sleeves that they got from a pre-release that are now being deemed not tournament legal when they are in decent, legal condition. It also seemed pretty silly that everyone kept complaining about how the deck checks were taking too long. It probably would have gone smoother if everyone in one line didn't have to take the deck apart, then buy new sleeves, then re-sleeve their decks.

Also I'd like to say that I know of one situation that someone didn't have "Pokemon themed" or "solid color" sleeves on their decks and were forced to buy new sleeves and re-sleeve. Now I agree with and understand why other images are not allowed on people's sleeves, but to be honest the official POP sleeves are not worth playing with. They look amazing and very pretty and do cover the card enough to protect it. However, having said that, that's all they do. I have (and several others, I'd say most people I've played against) had nothing but problems with all the sleeves manufactured post-Stormfront, and most recently I have played in 2 HGSS Pre-releases and both sets of sleeves were completely torn up and ruined after about 4 games (and I take the utmost care of my cards too, I'm a very delicate player). Also I'd like to address the reflective/mirrored ruling on sleeves. I don't think that they should be allowed period, but I've noticed that in most tournaments I play in have someone who slipped through and gotten away with them. I would immediately bring this up to the judge but I never happen to play those players and I don't even find out until after the tournament that someone has played with them. Some sleeves might just be slightly reflective and you probably couldn't see anything reflected on them but I think there should be a more clear rule on them. Furthermore, I'd like to point out that the Arceus Pre-Release sleeves are highly reflective and I can clearly see and image mirrored on them and because of that I wont use them in tournament play. These sleeves should probably be checked out.

If someone could please just read over this and give me some feedback that would be excellent. I'd also like to say that the reason for this message is because I've noticed this stuff for a long time now and have had enough players come to me about the standing problem and have had some negative feelings on the current rulings which turn into negative feelings on those who are judging and running events. It just seems that the rules concerning sleeves in general are very inconsistent and hazy and left up to the judge's discretion where it's an issue that I believe should be more specific and concrete so we as judges have no question about the rulings so we in turn can better enforce the rules. I'd also like to say that after that kinda slow and unsettling deck check, the judges were very professional and did an amazing job at running the state championship.

Thanks you!

I'm re-posting from a simple discussion about rulings on sleeves and if you as a player have had any problems like I've seen and problems with the more current pre-release sleeves. Also what would you like to see if they were to change or update the rulings on sleeves.
One experience I've had at Provincials was that I was told to resleeve because mine were said to be too reflective (as complained by my opponent). He brought over a judge and they threatened to DQ me. I had to buy the sleeves there for a whopping $7 which could have bought me lunch and dinner. I was extremely annoyed because the TO looked closer at them and said they were O.K. to use during the game, after I bought overpriced sleeves. I felt miserable after.
Rawreth: honestly, $7 is pretty good for sleeves, especially if they are 60ct, most places don't sell them for any less than $ try and get them from ebay, you're paying $12+ for them

as for the original discussion:

I honestly have never seen the problem with reflective sleeves...if you're paying attention, you can see your opponent trying to look, and unless they are drawing and/or it is their turn, they shouldn't even be messing with their deck at all, unless forced to by their opponent

I've seen more problems from Pre-SF sleeves than I have from Post-SF Sleeves...the worst being the SV sleeves, as the majority of players were experiencing problems within the same day of getting them...but alot of times sleeve issues can be resolved by moving slightly problematic sleeves to non-important cards like energy, or making sure slightly problematic sleeves are not on important or short count cards...the re-sleeving issue you mentioned is a bit preposterous, that TO should have had been more involved in that process and had their Professors ease up a lil'

deck checks for large tourneys should be left until after the 1st round (when players bring up their 1st round results, they should be bringing their decks with them for the deck check), and penalties should be given in the 2nd round...players should be responsible enough to be able to make sure their decks are in order and correct...and if not, punishment should be rolled out as adjudicated...that will save on loads of time
qnetykz said:
I've seen more problems from Pre-SF sleeves than I have from Post-SF Sleeves...the worst being the SV sleeves, as the majority of players were experiencing problems within the same day of getting them...but alot of times sleeve issues can be resolved by moving slightly problematic sleeves to non-important cards like energy, or making sure slightly problematic sleeves are not on important or short count cards...the re-sleeving issue you mentioned is a bit preposterous, that TO should have had been more involved in that process and had their Professors ease up a lil'

Most of the sleeves before SF were terrible quality, yes. But those were all the Ultra Pro manufactured sleeves. The only exception were the Lucario sleeves, which were excellent. Everyone thought the worst was over with the LA sleeves, they held up pretty well. But after SF (and most definitely after SV) the sleeves became complete garbage again. They've been peeling and splitting for even the most gentle players, sometimes faster than the Ultra Pro manufactured sleeves.

Back to the core topic though, I agree with you Blaze. There really needs to be more clarification from POP on sleeves. As it is, the judge's discretion, definitely leaves things a bit too open. I'd really like to see things patched up a bit come next season.
This is a very annoying situation.. I would hate to have to play without sleeves at all if I can't afford any at a states or Cities. And I won't be using Pre-Release sleeves on MY cards anytime soon, that's for sure!
qnetykz said:
Rawreth: honestly, $7 is pretty good for sleeves, especially if they are 60ct, most places don't sell them for any less than $ try and get them from ebay, you're paying $12+ for them

I can get the exact same sleeves(players choice) for $3 less at my local card store, or double the amount for $4. Considering all Canadian prices, I don't see how it's 'pretty good'. :/ I don't ebay either, especially not for sleeves.

it's just a slap in the face seeing how it was organized at a hotel and they brought over their overpriced sleeves as well.

i guess not many places don't carry "low-qual" sleeves anymore. i find it much more convenient how i can get ultra-pros: $2 for 50 and replacing them isn't an issue after i have 100. the "low-quality" ones i have used in the past i use today and they haven't split yet.
Ya same thing with me. Me the "proffeser" went and took are cards to do a deck chack and she said that i need to buy new sleeves. cuz i had a scratch and black mark????/
Rawreth said:
I can get the exact same sleeves(players choice) for $3 less at my local card store, or double the amount for $4. Considering all Canadian prices, I don't see how it's 'pretty good'. :/ I don't ebay either, especially not for sleeves.

it's just a slap in the face seeing how it was organized at a hotel and they brought over their overpriced sleeves as well.

i guess not many places don't carry "low-qual" sleeves anymore. i find it much more convenient how i can get ultra-pros: $2 for 50 and replacing them isn't an issue after i have 100. the "low-quality" ones i have used in the past i use today and they haven't split yet.

There is a store that I know of in Toronto where I could get the 60-card sleeves for 3-4 dollars. And in terms of the "store" that is set up in the hotel for the tournaments, I would NEVER buy from them as all of their merchandise is terribly overpriced.

In all honesty, I'm kinda getting sick of the inconsistencies in pricing of Pokemon stuff (cards, theme decks, etc.).