Yes? You realize that this entire new "family-friendly" orientation (e.g. this new Family Pokémon Card Game box) is at least partially, if not majorly, thanks to Pokémon GO right? Pokémon GO got the general public - people who wouldn't have cared about Pokémon otherwise - to get into the hobby. A lot of these people are really young kids or adults who may not have the time or passion to play competitively, but they'd like to play nonetheless, so they made these products to cater to that audience.
So, yes, Pokémon GO did get the public interested in TCG, as evidenced by the fact that they're making this product for this audience especially. And Pokémon GO is literally a watered down version of the video games so if someone started playing GO and decided that they liked Pokémon video games the natural next step would be to play the main series. So GO got the public interested in the video games too.