SM10a \'GG End\' Mini-Set in April

I actually like reset stamp as a disruption supporter, seems pretty balanced and would still see a lot of play an item it feels pretty over the top, but I guess we’ll see
coach trainer looks really cool with the art and background, i don't expect a full art for the card but if they do i hope they do incorporate the background with it cause i love pikachu zekrom
This is stupid, they are making tag teams unstoppable to the point where it is join or die. I originally thought the cards that interacted with tag teams would nerf them, but no they make tag teams more OP. Then they make a card that makes stage 2 decks virtually impossible to set up fast enough to counter tag teams. I am MAD
Wow. Yesterday I was literally talking to my friends on how we need N in some form back in the format. But this, may be a little too much.
Wait, Reset Stamp is an *item*? I didn't catch that when I saw this on reddit earlier... that's a bit crazy. Still not convinced it's going to be all that - it's nearly useless early game and so will just clog your deck, which is annoying when you have a fast deck like PikaRom where every card needs to be useful - but as an item... weird. Control decks will definitely love this...
Thought I would like to mention that a certain Pokémon Catcher card got errata'd to require a successful coin flip. Perhaps something similar will apply here to Reset Stamp?
Ouch, imagine in Expanded... As soon as your opponent hits 3 prizes, you can stamp 'em, Delinquent them to a zero card hand AND slap down Garbotoxin just for some extra salt in the wound. I like this.
Reset Stamp is actually quite balanced. Hard to search (Volkner, Alolan Ninetails GX, racking my brain unsuccessfully for other examples).

But think of it this way: it will typically be a dead card until mid-game or when your opponent is down to 4 prizes or less. When you are setting up and see Reset Stamp in your hand, you are going to want to Ultra Ball it away to improve your consistency. So do you run 1? Not optimal, because it will be hard to find when you need it unless you already run a card that can search it. Run 4? Messes your consistency. I think it will be played a lot and will win games, but I don't think it will be anywhere close to banable.
Ouch, imagine in Expanded... As soon as your opponent hits 3 prizes, you can stamp 'em, Delinquent them to a zero card hand AND slap down Garbotoxin just for some extra salt in the wound. I like this.
That would be pretty nasty - fortunately, since Delinquent has been banned from Expanded, I don’t think it’s worth fretting over, personally...
Reset Stamp is busted. not much else to say...

BUT, can we all please appreciate that Drifloon has 70HP??? That's pretty big for an evolving basic. Usually we see cards like Ralts, Zorua, etc etc etc with 60HP. Having 10 more than normal actually seems pretty significant.

Is power creep returning?
We;ve had tons of 70 hp evolving basics already, there even is an alolan grimer with 80 hp
N without N'ing yourself and you can still supporter for turn...yes please, reset stamp is going to big. Plus you might not have to run so many Marshadows to disrupt. Openings on the bench. I don't know why Coach Trainer feels so much better than Hau...But it does.
Love the art of Coach Trainer, hopefully we'll see a Full Art of it with Zekrom and Pikachu on it.
If they were to bring a hand disrupter back, my preference would have been Ace Trainer: It only works when you're behind on prizes, and drawing down to 3 should be the maximum effect of any hand disrupter. Going down to 2 or 1 is too often unbearable to manage without luck deciding a match.

From this, I despise the reset stamp on what it will do to the meta. An item that can potentially reduce hands down to 1? What were the designers thinking?! We have cards that take advantage of locking up hands, including supporters like Morty, and locks like Honchcrow, Omastar, and Kabutops.

Even more, one could potentially just use it to rig a hand to 6 cards for other strategies - Gengar/Mimikyu will love this card.
Reset stamp is ridiculous, a one-sided N that doesn't stop the user in the end game from playing their own draw supporter. I don't know what to make of it yet but it's gonna be everywhere.
Flawed logic; this actually makes stall a lot better.
Actually no, a first turn stevens is REALLY helpful to them.
Yes, they can lower your hand, but you don't need much against stall. You can just top deck until you get what you need.
Also, stall wins by you decking, so them shuffling your hand into your deck makes it harder for them to win.
Admittedly as an item is annoying AF if your opponent is at 2 or 1 prizes (so it works like N did in that regard). However, it has no comeback ability built in, meaning you're going 1 card less to disrupt your opponent... however we all know how important disruption can be. Being an item also makes it perfectly fetcheable by Jirachi. I see people playing it as a 1-of. It can win you a game or it can be a brick early game, but 1 is a guaranteed add. Stall and mill decks won't use it considering how they want the opponent to have a big hand, but the meta and rogue deck are fair game. It makes Jirachi even more damn important given how it is your main recover tool after getting hit with this.