SM11b 'Dream League,' Japan's August Set!

Ooh, what about a Psychic-type Solgaleo & Lunala-GX?

Also, Roxie appears with a Koffing and Red appears with his Pikachu, so is there any chance that Owner's Pokemon will make a comeback after all these years?
Hey, why are the Japanese packs only 150 Yen??? That seems really low (like $2 AUD if memory serves) and while I know their packs are smaller and with lower "hit" rates, I feel like I must be reading that wrong.
Hey, why are the Japanese packs only 150 Yen??? That seems really low (like $2 AUD if memory serves) and while I know their packs are smaller and with lower "hit" rates, I feel like I must be reading that wrong.
If you have 2 packs making 1 (10 cards) English one, then it's like 3 USD again. It is still cheaper, but why can't they be cheaper in Japan? Korean ones are even cheaper (worse quality though).
New cards like "red's pikacbu and lillie's vulpix"? Back to the old days indeed. That would be awesome.
I'm very curious as to whether Sawsbuck, the most neglected one, will appear in this set. Time will tell!
Hey, why are the Japanese packs only 150 Yen??? That seems really low (like $2 AUD if memory serves) and while I know their packs are smaller and with lower "hit" rates, I feel like I must be reading that wrong.

5 cards per pack might be why.

I'm very curious as to why some of these trainers have their Pokemon alongside them in the art, that never happens. Would be cool to see a trainer's pokemon much like the original gym leader's pokemon way back then.
Ooh, what about a Psychic-type Solgaleo & Lunala-GX?

Also, Roxie appears with a Koffing and Red appears with his Pikachu, so is there any chance that Owner's Pokemon will make a comeback after all these years?
unlikely. At least for the rest of this block, we're going to keep seeing what we have been; e.g. cards like Diglett and Rhydon that interact with the Giovanni's Exile, and have him in the artwork, but aren't Owner's Pokemon proper.
If N is coming back I should really get the old full arts of him while there there still at a low price, otherwise the price might shoot back up when if he does come back as the same card reprint
I hope they reprint all the really busted cards from BW like Laserbank, Garb, and Eggs just because it'd be really funny.