Neganadel + Expanded FTW!
Alright, buzzwole BDIF. I'm calling it.
Yeah, but this stadium is better with the fact that the opponent most likely does not run beast pokemonI think this Palkia surely just seals the deal that it has to fit into Deluge decks. Having a base 60 instead of 50 and a useful GX attack is definitely a bonus, but being able to work with Dive Ball and Aqua Patch should you want to play it (not that that's very heard of, but it at least gives you the option).
Buzzwole already has access to Brooklet Hill though
great, MOOOOORE metal supportWoah, this is the first time a GX has received an alternate type reprint. Did any EX receive an alternate type reprint?
A Water-type Palkia GX is a lot more playable than it's Dragon-type version since Water-types have a lot more support, especially in Expanded. We can safely assume that Dialga GX will get a Metal-type reprint.