Hi, you seem to be overrating a card, while underrating another.
Dunsparce requires you to attach an energy, and attack.
cannot be done turn1.
If Buzzwole goes second, it OHKOs Dunsparce, before it does anything.
For one energy.
and, unlike Zoroark, it will be running many basic energy; making this
objectively more reliable than Dunsparce.
Also Consider:
What are you moving to the active, to replace Dunsparce?
You can't move a Zorua, because again, it will be OHKO'd.
Assuming Latios, that means your counter is taking free damage, and you still get the 30 to the bench.
You will not be OHKOing Buzzwole-GX...
and Buzzwole can Guzma up a Zorua, OHKO it, while KOing the other one you placed 30 damage on.
Also, also:
I said, Psychic, or tech Psychic attacker.
Which is correct.
Here in Tord's list, we can see he is running Mew-EX: