To be honest, the tag teams Gx are all pretty mediocre. Pikachu Zekrom Gx hits a bad weakness, and suffers from a bad weakness, Eevee and snorlax Gx suffers from the same issues as pikachu and zekrom but also has meh attacks, magicarp and wailord has terrible attacks and only could be used as a one of in Expanded stall decks along side wailord Ex. Celebi and Venusaur has a bad weakness, bad attacks and lack of ways to accelerate energy to it reliably to use its interesting at best Gx attack. On gengar and mimykyu Gx, attack that can be played around, and riotous beating knockout. They are like the original ex from ruby and sapphire, bad but then with the next sets they slowly get better. But as of now, don’t mind me, just playing Zororoc and decimating all of these three prizers.