Beedrill TUP/Shedinja LTH?
Beedrill TUP/Shedinja LTH?
If you have either 6 or 5 cards including Erika's Hospitality you can draw cards up to the amount of pokemon you're opponent has in play. But you can't play the card if you have more than 6 cards even if Erika's hospitality is the extra. Basically, you need to have a hand size of six or lower, to play this card with it counting itself as part of the number.Perhaps I'm reading the card wrong, but at best it's on par with a Lilly.
Okay so I am very new to the game, so new in fact I haven’t actually built a deck yet. I have some people at my local card shop giving me advice and tried to explain how sets are released between Japan and then printed in English.
I know the next English set is Tag Team, and if I’m not mistaken contains cards from the last 3 Japanese sets. So is it a guarantee that if a card was in one of the most recents Japanese sets that it will be in the next English set? Reason I ask is I’m curious on how reprints work. Once I build a deck I’m going to want to make it look nice but don’t want to invest in a card that is about to leave standard. (Not exactly sure when the next rotation is supposed to be)