I can accept opinions, but these opinions are ignoring half of the big picture.
For example, not only are you ignoring the power of Ambipom's Fake Out (the only good switchins to it are those that resist, and even then Ambipom has moves to deal with them), you're REALLY ignoring what else Ambipom does. Perfect combination of moves + fast speed does not make it "suck". I dunno why you think it has nothing going for it when you clearly haven't looked at the Pokemon fully.
Yes, I suppose Sandslash has nothing to deal with Ghosts when Night Slash is common move used just to make sure it spins.
You're not explaining why Machamp and co. suck. What about them do you view as bad? Is it perhaps that Machamp's DynamicPunch is terrible, or that Registeel's strong utility isn't great? Or maybe it's that Dusclops defences and spinblocking ability is rubish? What do you find bad here?
For example, not only are you ignoring the power of Ambipom's Fake Out (the only good switchins to it are those that resist, and even then Ambipom has moves to deal with them), you're REALLY ignoring what else Ambipom does. Perfect combination of moves + fast speed does not make it "suck". I dunno why you think it has nothing going for it when you clearly haven't looked at the Pokemon fully.
Yes, I suppose Sandslash has nothing to deal with Ghosts when Night Slash is common move used just to make sure it spins.
You're not explaining why Machamp and co. suck. What about them do you view as bad? Is it perhaps that Machamp's DynamicPunch is terrible, or that Registeel's strong utility isn't great? Or maybe it's that Dusclops defences and spinblocking ability is rubish? What do you find bad here?