Snorlax from XY10 'Awakening of the Psychic Kings'

I love this card!

Competitively; with FFB 180HP and 130 for 3[C] isn't as bad as it could be, granted it's reliant on FFB/Hypno and it looks like Megaphones/Xerosic are going to be tech'd in a bit more now. If you were using Bronzong (another stage 1, I know, messy) or Max Elixir or something maybe you could make it work. It sounds like a fun budget deck. All Night Party is healing but tbh I wouldn't use it because then your opponent could just use it to wake up -- the cool thing about Hypno is that if your opponent doesn't wake up before attacking (50% chance) you're essentially guaranteed a 2HKO.

But why play this fun budget deck? For the art!!

I'm not 100% sure what's going on, but Hypno is definitely on the edge of that card sucking Snorlax into a nightmare zone. The kids have me confused. They confuse me because they have different expressions! The boy on the far left is running away laughing. The two middle boys are freaking out and are turning to run away. And the girl on the right is recording it / taking pics??

At first I thought Snorlax was rolling over in it's sleep and was about to crush the two scared boys, but then that makes the far left boy a psycho who apparently finds all this danger very thrilling. The girl is your avg. naive youngster who doesn't realize Snorlax weighs 1015lbs / 460 kg and will seriously injure the boys, and finds all this rather amusing. Hypno then may be the one causing Snorlax to roll...

The other scenario is that yes, perhaps they were the ones pushing Snorlax; then all of a sudden Hypno showed up and tried to throw everyone into the nightmare realm. That would explain the fear, and perhaps even the girl (she thinks it's cool?) but then we've got the smiling boy again...

I've got more but perhaps that's enough. Over-analysis ftw!
looks immediately at 2nd attack
thinks poor snorlax they will never make you good
sees 90 on the screen
looks at 1st attack
this with Hypno and Fury Belt is going to be fun although fighting weakness really sucks not to mention the 4 retreat but this definitely could be a rogue deck and really fun. maybe played as a stall deck that does a decent amount of damage? flare grunts, hammers, all that fun stuff
if this had AT Double people who play against it would be screwed! 220hp 140 damage lol
I think this card is great alternative attacker, maybe over Yveltal in Darkrai/Hypno deck. People dont even notice his second attack, which is actually pretty good as you can heal yourself for 50 ( 60 with FFB). With hypno and all-night party, he can heal himself up to 90 every turns,which may prevent him from being 2 shot. But 4 Energy is a pain though...
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One way this could work is using golbat and crobat along with it. Muscle band puts the attack up to 140, then two golbats and/or crobats could make it 180 - 200 damage. Just an idea
Goodnight, Pokemon Moon,

And Twisted Spoon,

Goodnight Miltank jumping over the moon,

Goodnight friends,

With Hypno around, good nights end.

So, is Snorlax good? Who knows, Maybe,

Either way, it's Goodnight Babies.
When attaching a Fighting Fury Belt to the XY10 Snorlax as well as applying the sleep effect from Hypno XY9. As well as a possible pairing with the recently revealed Omastar BREAK. Being able to pull out any EX on your oppenents side of the field and then troll them with the "SleepySnorlax" has pottential to be competitive. A "180 HP" Snorlax hitting for roughly "130 damage" for [C][C][C]. This deck could also use Darkrai in the sense that Snorlax is completly Colorless.