So I hear BK is giving out cards?


Greed never prevails
I heard on a Burger King commercial the other day that they were giving away a free pokemon card in every kids meal.. =P. Which would be the best card to get?
It is not open only to your opinion. So shutup and stop mini-modding. I don't make posts just for people like you to come along and make one post, act like your so high and mighty and then expect what you say just has to be true, and is the only opinion in the world.
Both of you, calm down. Out of the cards in the set, Lucario is by far the most playable one, followed by Prinplup. But everything in the set is random, so you don't know what you are getting.
DeagleBeagle said:
It is not open only to your opinion. So shutup and stop mini-modding. I don't make posts just for people like you to come along and make one post, act like your so high and mighty and then expect what you say just has to be true, and is the only opinion in the world.

He wasn't mini-modding, just stating the logical answer. There's not much of a discussion if it's not even close.
I'm gonna have to agree, Lucario is the only card in the set that I want. But those deckboxes make awesome diceholders, lol.
Lucario is the way to go. Try getting a couple of him, (unless you puke first, BK? BLEAH!!) and trade for good stuff. I'm up for Piplup and Prinplup though!
I went through the drivethru yesterday with my mom, who wanted a the darkrai box and lucario card. Both cards I've gotten so far have been rares from the set. Pachi, and now Lucario.
I've gotten a Prinplup and a Shinx so far. They gave me two Pachirisu card holders though -__-
I got 2 Prinplups, 1 Chimchar and 1 Turtwig...
I rly like the Prinplups.
Now All I need is 3 Piplup...
Hey DeagleBeagle:

DeagleBeagle said:
shutup and stop mini-modding.

pikachu1246 said:
lucario. end of discussion.

I was in a bad mood when I replied to his message. The "end of discussion" thing I didn't like. This matter has already been taken care of so no need in talking about it any further.