So many decks....

if read the other posts in this those decks have been mentioned,walreboth is eteboth and walrein,if you actually read the triangle it says "+a main attacker" which means the max is certanly not 30,also this thread is not to post what you think of the decks,again in all the posts on here many more have been mentioned....
And SA already mentioned that about amphy
I disagree that Rampardos is a bad card. Its first attack combos well with Lucario's bench damaging attack(get Pokemon down to 60 HP so the dinosaur can KO them for 2 energy), it can do 100 for 3 with the second attack (self-damage is lame but not devastating), has a low retreat cost, is aided by Paleontologist, can abuse cards like Cessation Crystal, has decent HP for a stage 2, is not an Ex, has a relatively uncommon weakness, etc.. I could even envision this being played with Lucario, Super Scoop Up and Buffer Piece-- you play Buffer Piece on a damageless Rampardos, use its second attack (still taking the self-damage, yes), drop down to 100 HP, forcing them to do 120 to you now in order to get a KO, then on your next turn use Super Scoop Up and get it back into your hand, bring out Lucario and finish off the active or just provide some solid beatdown while you build the Rampardos back up, then repeat. If Briney's was still around, it would make this off-the-cuff strategy I just tossed out a lot more playable because it's not a flip, but with 4 SSUs, I think you could recycle a couple Rampardos. Even without SSU, I still think all those positive attributes I mentioned make this far from a bad card.
Why would you SSU a fossil evolution? They are annoying to get out unless you play enough Excavators or Holon Fossils, but that would make youir deck a little too much fossil-based, since those trainers are worthless otherwise.
The combination with Lucario is minimal. Carnivine does the same thing basically, and he's a basic. If you want to KO pokes you already sniped a bit, I think you can think of better strategies.
The main problem I see with Rampard is that most decks have some sneaky way to do 100, and that's the pressure point for you. It might turn wins in sudden deaths, which is really bad if you play fossil stage 2s, of which the basics can't even attack. And FFF for 100 + 20 on self isn't that good, I think Machamp DP is better since its first attack does a guaranteed 70 when you throw em in after a KO (which is even stronger than 60 btw), he has no recoil effect, has 10 more HP, has a winning basic, and can confuse and do 90 with that. An average of 75 is not bad either, since it's without recoil. The only real advantage is the Swift effect, but that won't come in handy that often, only the Resistance matters basically. But you can also Holon FF if you need that. Oh did I mention it ignores Weakness too?
What's wrong with SSUing a fossil evolution?

Rampardos would work best as a cleaner. 100 takes out a number of cards without any aides from PlusPower/Strength Charm, including Infernape, and if you've been sniping things with 120+ HP with Lucario before, Rampardos is going to get OHKOs on them too, and if you are able to take down their big threats with Hasty Headbutt, they won't so easily be able to immediately hit you for 100, or 120 (if you factor in Buffer Piece). Then, when they hit you but can't OHKO you, you just SSU, send out another Lucario for a while, and build the Rampardos back up. Add in Cessation Crystal/Battle Frontier and maybe even a small tech Bastiodon line to keep Rampardos from being sniped while it is being built on the bench (yes I know CC shuts off Bastiodon, but you wouldn't always need it or the CC or both at the same time), and I think it could work.
Kay...I'll tell you what's wrong with it (or, what I think is wrong)
Playing a fossil can happen in the following ways
-benching the fossil and just Candying or evolving it
-playing trainers (Holon Fossil, Strange Cave) that 'skip' the fossil stage and let you play the stage 1s as basics
The preferred way is the 2nd one, obviously, since this makes a stage 2 equivalent to a stage 1, which is good, since fossil stage 2s are never that awesome and playing a defenseless fossil (which now nets your opponent a prize too) is not that much of a good idea. And now that you're allowed to start with it if it's your only Poke in the hand makes it even worse.
So more and more fossil players with fossil decks leave the fossil stage out and rely on a couple of these trainers. Paleontologist/ Excavator DP2 makes this even better, since you can just Scott it and play your stage1s next turn, which is exactly as fast as a Candy.
The problem with SSUing these is, when you grab them from the table, you're once again missing teh basic fossil and can't lay them back down easily. You must sacrifice another Excavator/Holon Fossil to do this. With Strange Cave, the only continuous card providing the stage1->basic effect, being rotated out since it's from LM, this will prove to be a problem in some cases.
Well, neither Holon Fossil or Strange Cave help get Rampardos into play anyway (unless those cards were going to be errata'd to include all fossil evolutions), and as you said, Strange Cave is rotating out. The problem you mentioned about SSUing a "stage skipped" fossil evolution and then trying to get it back in play without the fossil itself is actually not that big of a deal in my opinion anyway, since with Paleontologist you can easily get the fossil either from your discard or deck, plus there is the chance that you had already drawn into the fossil before and had it just sitting there in your hand. Either way, you're able to get that evolution back into play. Also, if you still had Strange Cave on the field, you could just skip the stage again with it. Or you could play another Holon Fossil and hope for tails (which feels so strange to type...).

I also think that fossils are not as bad as you make them out to be. Rampardos's fossil is not exactly defenseless since whenever it is damaged, you have the possibility of doing unlimited damage (I know most of the time you won't hit them for more than 20 if anything, but still). 50 HP is average for Basics. Also, you have the option of discarding it from play whenever you want to, which can save it from a quick KO. For instance, if you were forced to start with it and they went first, on your turn you could draw/search into a legitimate Basic like Riolu, ditch the fossil and bring Riolu active (and maybe even Candy into Lucario and start applying the beatdown), then later on, simply use Paleontologist to bring the fossil back into play for Rampardos' sake.

The whole SSU idea isn't even that essential to the Rampardos/Lucario idea I had. It just seemed to me that it, combined with Buffer Piece, would be a good way to keep Rampardos around for repeated Hasty Headbutts. The main idea is to use Lucario's Aura Sphere to get everything on their bench within KO range for Rampardos, either through its Hasty Headbutt or Assurance. Factor in disruption cards like Cessation Crystal as well as the general speed of both Lucario and Rampardos (the latter with the help of Paleontologist/Candy and perhaps DRE, of course) and I still think it could work well.