DPPt/HGSS So the 4th generation is over...


Move over Palmer there is an new Tycoon.
Gen 4. Sinnoh, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, The Snow!!!, Gold and silver remakes. The list goes on. These were all memorble parts of the fourth generation. Now this generation is almot over there are so many memories for us all. We have many new members to the game and lots have let the game behind.But for you what was your favourite moment of the fourth generation? What moment stood out the most for you?

I personally have many fond memories. From standing outside Game at midnight as a 13 year old to finally get Diamond, the anguish of trying to beat Cynthia with my battery on red. To the letdown which was platinum, and the extacy which was the nostalgia of hgss. These are the best. But the fondest was the time I first got into competative battling, this is when Pokemon first came alive for me, this was the generation when pokemon came alive for me.

So heres looking forward to generation 5, the beach going from strength to strength, and the many suprises that await us this generation. So what was your favourite gen 4 moment and what are you most looking forward to in gen 5?
RE: 4th generation over.

Well, the pokemon and storyline was really a huge let down. Usually, I could find a starter pokemon I could like, but I found none for this gen. The legendaries were dull, especially the ones that gave humans emotion. Plus, the plot was pathetic, course with an evil this ridiculous looking, I couldn't expect any less.

But the gameplay was a modest improvement. The Attack Split gave moves a huge burst of diversity and (for me) made it easier to train pokemon with specific attacks instead of being limited to "all grass/water/fire for my high special starter". Course, it screws over some pokemon as well (Sceptile can't make much use out of his Leaf Blade now can he? Less you EV the heck out of it)

Overall, without HGSS, I doubt I would've enjoyed it as much as I could. The underground was FANTASTIC though.
RE: 4th generation over.

Just my reaction to showing my friends the new pokemon (back then they were new). It was my first time in awhile on a fansite and when i saw the dp pokedex and my face was in awe. I am about to cry. This gen was such a great memory and i will always remember it as long as i like pokemon
RE: 4th generation over.

...We still have half a year to wait. I don't see how it's almost gone.

But, I guess powering the game on for the first time and saying:

"Holy-cow! Look at the buildings! It's 3D!"

Was a pretty fond memory for me. Yeah, I was pretty happy to see 3D stuff. Now I look at B/W, and say:

"Holy-cow! Look at the buildings! It's 3D-er!"

It's like the games get better and better with each gen, or somthing... lol

But really, the 3D stuff, and the underground were the best parts to me. And still are...
RE: 4th generation over.

i can still remenber the first time i turn my ss on and the time i got the last platinum on the shelf.
Ah the good times
RE: 4th generation over.

it's not over 'til the fat lady sang. wait...does rosie o'donnell sing? oh i guess its over. lol.

memorable moments... beating cynthia of course, owning with my old swampert and infernape.platinum was alright. soulsilver and heartgold sucked...no question.
RE: 4th generation over.

I used to play Pokemon Diamond for so many hours and didn't get tired of playing it. I was so anxious to beat the gym leaders, travel to new places, and also catch new Pokemon. This generation was great for me. I learned more about the Pokemon and also experienced the graphics. I got event Pokemon and also traded Pokemon with other people. Traveling through the cave to get to the League was by far the most challenging cave as well as challenging trainers of the game IMO. Overall I had a great time with the 4th generation games and had really fun. Though I will keep playing them even though the 5th generation games are going to be released soon.
RE: 4th generation over.

Man, I can't believe Generation 4 is coming to an end. Now that I think of it, it was actually a pretty good generation. It started Wi-Fi Battling and all those other good stuff.
RE: 4th generation over.

My favorite part was beating Cynthia's Chompy with my Staraptor when Glaceon failed. Then owning her Lucario and Roserade with CC and Aerial Ace respectively.
RE: 4th generation over.

Having played 5th gen already and looking back towards 4th...
The improvements with plot and character are amazing.

It was just as if 4th generation was just a testing ground for what they could do on the platform.

Of course that doesn't mean it's bad. 4th gen has a special place to me with some characters. Palmer and Barry. Mars. The remakes of my childhood game.

Pokemon just keeps getting better and better.
RE: 4th generation over.

my frien dustin loaning me diamond to beat one of the gym leaders, him letting me keep it longer, then selling his ds, so I got diamond for free.
RE: 4th generation over.

I was so into my games when I got them I beat Platinum in a week and Soul Silver in 5 days, spending most of my nights playing the game. Getting my Pokemon tougher and beating both games. Then, the fun just dies down. To me, I didn't want to restart my games, I took pride in the fact I beat the game. And, the swelling my ego and my stubbornness, the games just got less and less fun after I beat the games, because the only thing I did was catch and train. I didn't do the Contests in Platinum. I did do the Pokeathlon in Soul Silver, but all of my progress was made during the storyline.

I hope the 5th Generation can keep me more interested in playing the games after I beat the Elite 4. Because when I defeat them, all the air is let out of the balloon and I'm left thinking, "What's next?"
RE: 4th generation over.

One od my fondest momories is when I was battling Cyrus on top of Cornet and just when my Staraptor would be out of moves it learned Brave Bird.
I loved the pokemon of the generation, through some of them were boring to begin with.
The ability to get Munchlax was fun (All those times when I was a n00b in Ruby and tried to get it)
HG/SS was a great addition, it was interesting, though it has gotten boring, after beating Red
My Pearl, the game I spent 600 hours on, the game, that if I lost, would be the worst thing ever.
But the greatest thing about the fourth generation was definetly Bidoof.
RE: 4th generation over.

I think Gen 4 was a testing ground to see what they could do. Platinum and HGSS were what they planned all along. I just hope they improve the after game in Gen 5.
RE: 4th generation over.

Very nostalgic for me. Very.
I remember waking up on my birthday and what was on my bed?
A copy of pokemon platinum, and a ds lite. I was so excited i didnt even bother getting out of my bed. so first i quickly unboxed my ds lite(not even completely, I just ripped the box open and i looked for the ds and charger. that was all i needed.), and then i did the ds set up, i just put 1 for my nickname so it would go quick. After that, i plugged my charger in the wall while it was connected to my ds, and i took a deep breath. my experience of the 4th Gen was about to begin. I wasnt so harsh on unboxing platinum like i was with my ds. i opened the case up and read the instruction booklet first. All of it, and slowly. Then, I got the platinum card out(took a bit, it looked like it didnt want to go out of the box, XD) and put the game in. I named the character my real name, and yeah. I only had dinner that day, because my mom made me.

So anyways, around 72 hours later(3 days), i was up against cynthia. It was my floatzel versus her garchomp. her final pokemon, and my final pokemon. both at red health, and i was certain she was going to heal up. so i decided to also. then i noticed that dragon rush would certainly put me at red health again, so it would just be a waste. i was out of revives, so i couldnt bring someone back. so i thought about resetting and thinking about going with a different lead, but no, i was going to die trying first. so i went with a ice fang and hoped it would work. After seeing "The Foe's GARCHOMP used Dragon Rush!" I knew it was over. Then "The Foe's GARCHOMP Move Missed!" certainly got my hopes up, but ice fang could miss too. But no, it hit, and it was over. I won. After watching the credits, i turned my game off, and i took a nap. I had a good feeling inside too(because i was thinking about the gusty garden galaxy song while i was napping). I got my Heart Gold copy a couple of days ago after fully completing the post-game on platinum and beating cynthia again. I plan on NOT doing a crazy fan-boy speed run like i did on my platinum(now my sister's) and taking my time. After that, im planning on going to gamestop to turn a game in i really didnt like and getting diamond and taking my time on that too. I plan on being fully done with both games around the time the english release of black and white is, but i cant be certain. And i will CERTAINLY take my gen 4 experiences with me in gen 5. so there you go.
RE: 4th generation over.

I'm just amazed it's over already, really. The fact that I didn't get any of the games until about a year after release probably didn't help, though.

But it was good while it lasted. HeartGold was definitely the high point for me. I'm still playing around in it to this day! My initial goal with the fourth gen games was to finally get a decent collection of Pokemon built up, starting with Grass types. And so far...well, I haven't made as much progress as I'd like. But I'll keep going until my copy of White arrives...

...after which point I will probably forget the fourth gen ever existed =P
RE: 4th generation over.

IMO, 4th gen was kind of a wreck. It had MANY problems with it. While it introduced more things to deal with in competitive, it felt like too much. RSE was, IMO, where it should have stayed (with a little innovation) for competitive. Next, the whole friend code thing was too much. They should have had random battles from the beginning. It took 4 years to add it. Next, I group all of the garbage spin-offs with 4th gen. PBR was embarrasing, while PMD and Ranger were both pathetic. PMD, at least, started off decent, but it quickly deteriorated. In my opinion, 4th gen's one single saving grace was HG SS. That was a truly great remake. Otherwise, 4th gen would be rated the worst out of the gens in my book.
RE: 4th generation over.

The 4th gen is NOT completely over yet guys. The 5th gen games are not out in North America yet and it might not be over for us but it might be over for Japan though. We have about 6 months of 4th gen left XD so it is not over until all parts of the world have the 5th gen games yet XD.:)