DPPt/HGSS Soft Resetting for shines

RE: Soft Reseting

Just SR'd for an Eevee in FireRed (non-shiny, just wanted good nature and IV's) and on my second try, I got a Modest epicly IV'd Eevee, exactly what I wanted. 29-30 IV's in speed and 28-30 in Speacial attack. All the rest were around 20 except for Attack which was 0-2 :D Jolteon sweeper, here I come!
RE: Soft Reseting

@Gouka-no-Goukazaru, the chance of getting a shiny pokemon randomly with only soft resetting is 1 in 8192. It's pretty understandable if you didn't get it in 2000 tries.
RE: Soft Reseting

Hey, in FR/LG, does anyone know if when you get the Hitmons, when you talk to the pokeball and the picture pops up, will that picture show if its shiny or not?
RE: Soft Reseting

you guys make me want to SR, and I have no idea why.

I've never SR, I find it pointless, but now i think I'll have to in Gen 5 since I want all of the Legendary's in shiny form.
RE: Soft Reseting

I like to watch TV, maybe talk to a friend on the phone or messenger, and if I'm not talking on the phone or Messager, I have my headphones on listening to Glee music. :p ~JS
RE: Soft Reseting

Are you sure you are in the right thread? Or are those things you do while soft resetting, because THAT would make a bit of sense, considering the amount of fun it is to soft reset.
RE: Soft Reseting

@hyperbeem That's what I do while SRing... ~JS

@sonic j: You can SR by pressing L+R+START+SELECT on a DS and A+B+START+SELECT on a gameboy. A secret ID, I don't know. ~JS
RE: Soft Reseting

@Dark Sonic J and JaySamuel: Your Secret ID (SID) is used in tandem with your regular Trainer ID (TID) to generate certain random variables in the game, most notably the two IDs decide when you will find a shiny Pokémon, and what Pokémon it will be/stats it will have/etc., in fact you can use a shiny Pokémon to backtrack and find your SID, as because it is "secret," the game won't display it graphically unless prompted by an outside device like an Action Replay (its still always in the game's code of course). Knowing your SID isn't really going to help you for resetting, if that's how you want to get a Pokémon, but it's an absolute necessity for finding shiny Pokémon if your using RNG abuse, which if you can understand and perform, renders SRing effectively useless, and should save you countless hours of insanity resetting (I'm not saying RNG abuse is a cakewalk either :p).
RE: Soft Reseting

^arg...i tried doing that i just got really confused. if you can get it down its awesome but its hard to do that
RE: Soft Reseting

would i be able to get a detailed yet easy to understand example of how soft resetting works and exactly how you do it properly to obtain shiny legendarys such as moltre, please
RE: Soft Reseting

All you do is reset multiple times until you get it...there isn't a real strategy. Just save right before you would battle the Pokemon, battle, reset, battle, reset, battle, reset, etc. until you get a shiny.

Game Boy Advance=A+B+Start+Select
RE: Soft Reseting

but is there a certain tim during the battle like as soon as yo see the pokemon, or when you are about to send yours out when you should reset it, and do you have to leave it through the title bit at the begining
RE: Soft Reseting

You can do it whenever you want to. People SR to get the right nature and IVs. It works the same way with catching a shiny.
RE: Soft Reseting

also what do SID's and ID's have to do with shiny encounters, again could i please hhave a detailed yet easy to understand explanation. i have read about them but i still don't understand what it all has to do with shiny pokemon apearing
RE: Soft Reseting

TID's and SID's are used with RNGing. A somewhat complicated way to take advantage of the game's random number generator. It helps with getting shinies and Pokemon with the ideal natures and IVs. You can ask about RNGing here.