Some Enlightening News to North America TCG Players


Croagunk, one of the faithful
I have some enlightening news to North America TCG players! I know almost all TCG players want to go to worlds right? Well, I figured out it's not top 10 in your division in North America... it's top...
25! I know that may seem far away but keep going at it, look at it this way, go undefeated in states and win and you'll get about 90 points... lol, well hope this helped! But you may complain, hey, i'm in 78th, I got to start pushing myself more!:p
camdon you will not make worlds i can name 30 better player then you my slef included im like 10/15 IMO this is just out of people in OH
I think it's kinda stinks, coming from Australia we only have 1 person who goes to the Worlds (last year it should've been Abhorsen, not Jade. Coz Jade stalls when he plays...but I'm NOT flamming).

I think it should be only 1 person from <insert your Country here> to repersent that country & not State (like in the US).
I'd be pretty angry about that if they hadn't changed the schedule. As it is now, it seems fair and should give us Canadians a better chance. Determined Americans could hit 4 or more States before the change (depending on location), which was really quite unfair.
Nope, there are only two days differentially here, so at tops 2, and not many will. So it goes either way.:p
Ya know, I said North America so Canada has a shot.:p
bonsly1994 said:
Nope, there are only two days differentially here, so at tops 2, and not many will. So it goes either way.:p
Ya know, I said North America so Canada has a shot.:p
Look at the number of cities in Ontario compared to let's say Washington State. 9 for Ontario, 4 we're on the same day, 2 more we're on another single day. WA on the other hand 14, not sure about all the geographical details but two are on the same date making 13 possible for a committed player compared to 3 for Ontario. Going to 3 or so tournaments with let's say 4 matches Top 2 cut would at most give you 18-0 record, while with 13 possible in that same Cut/Matches it could give 83-0 (Lol). For Canada to have a shot at these ranks then we need more tournaments. And not have 4 on the same day.
wow 90 points maneven if i get in 2nd place im gurenteed a spot in 2nd in my state division.

hi my pokemon is starving and if you act right now with only one click away you can help my hungry poke named moe.^__^
Not questioning the general point wrt Canada vs. USA in the NA rankings but to clarify the facts of the 9 Cities in Ontario

Thunder Bay

8 of 9 were in the GTA (OK its a seriously committed GTA player who is making the trip to TB) and 6 of 9 did not fall on a common day. We played 4, but missed the weekend of the 8th - 9th of December. The bigger problem IMO is that some of the venues are too small, if you've played a couple of the above you know what I mean. The result is smaller turnout less matches hence less potential points available.

My son is #1 in Canada -- Junior, but there's virtually no way to stay in the Top 25 in North America, especially come the big K-value tourneys later in the year. This means a bad day at Nationals and your invite to World's is gone ...

For what it's worth, Provincials are at my hall in Georgetown which can easily hold 100+ participants, has washroom facilities, has a snack bar downstairs, has parking for 300+ vehicles etc. I'm personnally picking up the tab on this venue, because I LOVE this game and I want to see it succeed in Ontario. I've solicitted the local paper to cover the event and it appears that this is going to happen. Bigger / better venues will mean more participants. Smaller venues need to be rotated out of the competative circuit so we can be considerably more participant and spectator friendly.

Not to rant too much, but the other problem is getting new people into the tourney circuit. I've got 35 juniors in my league, but to date outside my immediate family I have drawn zero experienced players to my League. Try teaching 15+ 7-9 year olds how to play by yourself when numerous parents think of it as a low cost babysitting opportunity. The result is these players are not ready for tournament play, and a bit of a let down when they do participate. There is some level of responsiblity for the experienced players to help out at league, so that we can build a larger base of players.

More competent players == More tournament participants == More Ranking Points in Play.

Last point in my rant, when you are an experienced player playing at an event, be mindful that parents of the newer players are watching. Good behaviours (i.e. helping oranizing staff by filling out deck lists for new players, playing a game or two with new players before the tourney starts so they understand the rules of the game and how the tourney operates) lead to parents that understanding that this gaming community is something they want their children involved in. Bad behaviours (i.e. acting like a thug / brat, yelling at judges) lead to parents who may think twice about bringing their kids to the next competitive event --> this is a bad outcome. As a huge favour, take the heated discussions outside of earshot of the spectators and take the time to think about the fact that our game is on display every time we hold a tournament.

We are always going to have less players than the US, but its the participation rate that we need to get up, if we want a chance at claiming some of those top 25 spots. We all play a role in making this happen.
Another interesting thing to note on the Worlds FAQ:

The maximum number of invites awarded at the Last Chance Qualifier is determined by the maximum event size of the World Championships, not by total attendance of the Last Chance Qualifier. Players who earn invitations without Travel Awards must send travel verification in the form of airline itineraries, hotel booking receipts, or other proof of planned travel to [email protected] no later than 7/14/2008 or forfeit their seat into the event. Seats not claimed may be rolled into the Last Chance Qualifier.

Translated: those with invites must prove their intent to attend a month in advance or forfeit their seat to the Grinder.

So we will actually know well in advance just how many wildcard seats are up for grabs.