Some of my custom cards

Poison Pokemon Master

Master Trainer
I used to make a lot of cards for people at league
i just figured i'd see what people think of these
and decide if i should get back into making cards

The "Sandslash" turned out to be Basic, is really weak offensively and also really annoying defensively. T1 prevent abolutely all damage done to it for most starts, while 2 for 30 is weak, even with a Dark boost, which you wouldn't really use with Dig Under.

DArkness isn't a person, which Supporters are.
lol the sandslash is meant to be comboed with other cards like kodasu's kunai blade's and kodasu's secret stadium, yes all the cards in kodasu's set are basic because his type of pokemon are slashing pokemon
Light Venusaur said:
*Stop editting cards & start makeing your own one's!*

im not editing cards genious
im using the artwork yes, but editing i am not
i cant draw pokemon on paper very well so i have no other images to use
*Use the one's from*
All you need to do, is to type in the one that you want.
IE: Vaporeon, then use the nicest picture that you find.
ChromosomeJenova said:
Light Venusaur said:
*Stop editting cards & start makeing your own one's!*

im not editing cards genious
im using the artwork yes, but editing i am not
i cant draw pokemon on paper very well so i have no other images to use

first you said you are using the artwork

ChromosomeJenova said:
Light Venusaur said:
*Use the one's from*
All you need to do, is to type in the one that you want.
IE: Vaporeon, then use the nicest picture that you find.

i'd rather not use other people's personal private artwork these images work just fine for me

then now you said you rather not use other people's artwork.
try what LV said, people there are nice and will let you use their "beautiful" pokemon artworks as long as you give them credit.