Pokemon Some Pokemon that look like other cartoon characters


Aspiring Trainer
Any Pokemon that looks like another cartoon character?? ( from another cartoon that is )
- Glameow looks like Tom from "Tom and Jerry"
- Poochyena looks like Kiba's dog Akamaru from "Naruto"

*Actually, this thread idea came up bcoz of another thread...but i bit different*...just hope that this is alright :)
You know what i really do not see any of the 493 pokemon none of them really look like cartoon chacters!sorry!:D
Medicham kinda looks like that big sumo-like pink blob villain in dragonball. ( sorry.. im not really a DBZ fan )
Beowolf said:
Medicham kinda looks like that big sumo-like pink blob villain in dragonball. ( sorry.. im not really a DBZ fan )
Majin Buu? I think that's his name :/

Thinking of DBZ, Toxicroak kinda looks like Majin Buu's master (can't remember name) if it was Brown..

Arcanine out.
i say evil's Majin buu's poekmon would be the shiny arcanine.which is same as majin buu evil..
it is not a cat..it is a black dog..if u mean Satan's pet..and yes it is like mewoth and skitty..
Charmander's evolution line reminds me of Agumon, Greymon and WarGreymon and the shiny charizard reminds me of Black Wargreymon
How dare you insult my prettys and compair them with such filth!Hippoppotatus looks like a cartoon hippo,not hippowdon because he is to scary.
WillSSj says Shinx looks like jerry
Beowolf says Glameow looks like Tom.
What if that became a show

I was waiting for a post like this.
I think Mewtwo looks like Freeza from DBZ
I think Tryanitar looks like Godzilla
I think Carnivine looks like Petty Pirana from Mario.
Arcanine 274 said:
Beowolf said:
Medicham kinda looks like that big sumo-like pink blob villain in dragonball. ( sorry.. im not really a DBZ fan )
Majin Buu???I think that's his name :/

Thinking of DBZ, Toxicroak kinda looks like Majin Buu's master (can't remember name) if it was Brown..

Arcanine out.

If you put Buu's and it's two masters together you can turn a pumpkin into a carriage.

Anyway though it's been said befor AncientMegatheriumon=Mamoswine