Some Possible Decks when Dark EXplorers comes out?

Naming a few (starting with metagame decks):

1) Dark Toolbox: With Darkrai EX, Zoroark, Darkness Claw, Darkness Patch, and Sableye, (all part of Dark Explorers), this deck will easily become tier 1. Zoroark is the quick starter in this deck, a lot like Thundurus in Eels. Attach a DCE to Zoroark, swarm a whole bunch of dark Pokemon, attach Darkness Claw, and you have one very monstrous attacker turn 2. Darkrai provides free retreat to any Pokemon with any dark energies attached, and it also functions as a good attacker too (90 to the active and a 30 snipe; again, it can be powered up with Darkness Patch, Darkness Claw, and Special Darks). From there, you have so many different cards to choose from. You can use Sableye for trainer recovery and Weavile UD for hand disruption. The only problem the deck has is {F}. A deck like Terrakion will crush it very easily. Because of that, you use Tornadus EX. As for Mewtwo, the deck has no problem against it because of the {P} resistance. This deck is already a tier 1 deck in Japan, so expect it to be big once it hits the US

2)Raikou EX/Eels: Snipe one turn, play Skyarrow, retreat, pull out a Pokemon, attach 3 energies to the Raikou EX (mainly through Eels), play switch, and snipe again. With this, you basically snipe 100 damage every turn. Expect at least one of this card to be thrown into Eel based decks. It can win mirror matches the moment it comes out, as it will chiefly help KO opposing Eelectriks.

3) Celebi/Tornadus EX: This combination is a lot like the normal Tornadus in CMT, but this time, thanks to Celebi, you can be attacking for a turn 1 100 with no major backlash. With that, you can also typical cards with this deck like the normal Tornadus, Mewtwo EX, etc. Expect this to be another big deck around.

As for fun combinations:

Empoleon/Terrakion: Empoleon is the new age Jumpluff; it has the same attack as the former Pokemon and a built in draw power. It has all the elements to be good. Only problem, lightning weakness. This is solved by using Terrakion. It might not be a big tier deck when it comes out, but the Japanese seem to know how to run Empoleon properly, so we will had to wait and see what kind of impact this deck will bring.
Accelgor/Celebi/Vileplume/Sunflora could be fine but not great. It's only great if the opponent plays EX cards active. There's also Accelgor/Gothitelle, but that has energy problems.

Darkrai EX/Zoroark is probably going to be BDIF because of T2 140... yeah.

Empoleon looks good, but eelektrik gives it problems.

Twist Mountain/Archeops/attackers looks solid, but you need a Twist mountain. another problem is that it plays in a format that does not really use evolutions.

Raikou/Eelektrik is... hm. Fine. Flaws include how much the player relies on Eelektrik, which can be easily ko'd, and Terrakion being played.

Darkrai EX/Tornadus is also fine, but not really good at all. You have to hit 2 patches, but you can do 120 T1. Then again ZPST already did that.

In response to these inventions Terrakion play will go up, period. Also, Donphan could see play. Essentially anything fighting.