Something We Should Worry About?

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer

What do you guys think? It's about Rahm Emanuel's Mandatory
Civil Service Plan for the Obama Administration...

Actual NWO?
Ha. It'll probably wind up in the same place as a lot of other big ideas (most of the things his boss said, Bill Clinton's tax cuts, etc)... nowhere.
There is an old saying.

The more things change the more they remain the same.
Well I agree this is troubling but I can tell you it will not fly with anyone, and if it some how goes into affect I don't think he will be re-elected after four years and the program will be exterminated.
It's Rahm Emanuel's idea on this thats the problem, so President-Elect Obama isn't really the target on this one even though Emanuel is a part of his Administration as Chief of Staff.

In other words it's more like Emanuel is considering to reinstate the Draft, that's what alot of people are getting at. I just hope it doesn't get to that point though...

I don't think it will work cause our generation is similiar to the 70's with the Vietnam War, it's a long story I'd rather not wanna get into.
Bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo. said:
I don't want another war.

No one really does, except the people who want to take away our freedom and our life, liberty, and all that this country stands for :/.

As for this, I don't really know what to say. I say that this is a really bad idea. If this is implemented, I guarantee there will be a LOT of protesters, but no one's going to really care.