Sonic Gal and G2F Present: SG2F [Designz]

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Hey! I'm back! Need another banner.

[Username: Darkwing ]
[What I want: A banner please]
[Background: A dark gray (a little lighter than black) with white scratches running through, and a small black border]
[Pictures (Please provide Links)]
[Style: Ancient]
[Text: In lower right corner, white letters that say "Darkwing's Trade thread" in a block letter style text]
[Comments: none]

Much obliged! :D
X_empoleon_X: I will complete yours.

EDIT: Here you go:



The others are up for grabs!
Dictator Dauntless said:
Hey G2F, wanted to see what you think of this fake!

Pretty good. You just need to work on the font. Other than that, pretty solid. Good stuff.

xtrabaggage said:
[What You Want]An avatar please
[Background] IDK surprise me
[Pictures (Please provide Links)]
- Totodile
[Comments] G2F please (PLEASE NO ARKIES)

I'd be more than happy to do it, but I have no art programs/brushes/fonts right now so you'll have to wait if you still want it done by me.
There's another font that looks more like it. It starts with an H, but I forgot what it was. I would tell you, but I'm on a new comp, and I don't have my fonts. =\ I'll let you know when I get a chance.
[Username] Pokeman
[What You Want] Banner
[Background] Fields
[Pictures (Please provide Links)]
- Shinny Lotad
-Shinny Vulpix
-Shinny Swablu
[Text]Team Typhoon-Taking down the format!
[Style] Really cool looking

[Username] Pokeman
[What You Want] Banner
[Background] Pokeball
[Pictures (Please provide Links)]
-Shinny Mew
-Mewtwo Lv.X in front
[Text]Team Typhoon-Taking down the format!
[Style]Please have the mewtwo from LA not tin, and have it standing out of the banner.

[Username] Pokeman
[What You Want]Banner
[Background] Beach
[Pictures (Please provide Links)]
[Text]Team Typhoon-Taking down the format!
[Style] Have Jynx popping out the banner

[Username] Pokeman
[What You Want]Banner
[Background] Bottom of the ocean
[Pictures (Please provide Links)]
[Text]Team Typhoon-Taking down the format!
[Style] Each 3-D and popping out of the banner
Uh... you kinda forgot me... Pg. 27, bottom.

It's another banner request.
Be patient, Darkwing. One of our workers will take your request when he/she obtains the available time. ;)

I cannot because I do not want to be rude and hog all the requests.
^^Using Photoshop for nearly four years, I think I can. :p

I bet everyone else here can as well. How do you want it?
Just the regular size, making it say PokeAlpha in the Pokemon logo style type way. And then any kind of picture/sprite of Arceus. Thanks, in advance.
[Username]Flygon Jedi Master
[What You Want]Avatar (125x125 size please)
[Background]Chaos, lightning
[Pictures (Please provide Links)]
-Rayquaza...holding a lightsaber
[Style]Like the banner I'm using in my signature. I wouldn't mind if Rayquaza was "coming out of the frame" like in an Xous avatar
[Comments]I would like Sonic Gal to do this one, as she did a good job with lightsaber wielding Pokémon in the CMC

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