Sonic Gal and G2F Present: SG2F [Designz]

How would you rate our artwork?

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[Username] red blastoise
[What You Want] a banner, and a matching avatar
[Background] purple, very dark purple...then metalic, then dark purple again, and the lighter purple, then dark purple again
[Pictures (Please provide Links)]
[Text] gengar, then dialga G, then crobat G, then gardevoir, and last Glox
[Style] cool
[Comments] could it be animated,
1st picture: gengar, dark purple BG, text: gengar
2nd picture: dialga G X, metalic BG, text: dialga G
3rd picture: crobat G, dark purple BG, text: crobat G
4th picture: gardevoir, light purple BG, text: gardevoir
5th picture: 2 faded gengars coming in from the side, dark purple BG, text: Glox
Pokeman said:
[What You Want]Banner
[Background] Sky
[Pictures (Please provide Links)]
- A Cute Mew
[Text] Pokeman
[Style] Have it popping out of the banner, like 3-D.
On it ^_^
EDIT: Here you go ^_^
Thanks, but can I get it a little longer, and can you get rid of that red border. I like it but not the red border so if you can fix that thanks. :D

I'd like to order something :D

[Username] Soul Seeker
[What You Want] Watermark (Like yours, G2F)
[Text] Soul
[Style] Like yours, G2F ^^
[Comments] Please make it like yours, size, font etc. except for the color, it should be pink with a black outline.
Please make 2 ones, one with a black outline and one with a white.
[Artist Request] George2FRESH

Thank you!
Im not sure if he'll be able to take that atm ?
Sonic gal can do great "stuff" like that though :p
I've come up with the flu thus I am unable to complete any requests due to lethargy and being lightheaded. If you wish for me to complete your request than you must be patient; I do not expect to improve for 3+ days.

However, anyone is welcome to take your request, Soul Seeker.

Sonic Gal
sorry to say, but can i place my request elsewhere, as this shop has sick employees, and i don't want to bother them with it.
::DF111:: said:

The avatar system says it's too big. There's a bunch of extra space around the avy, can you try to fix it?
[What You Want]Userbar
[Pictures (Please provide Links)]
-Jigglypuff...that is not a sprite
[Text]Flygon Jedi Master
[Comments]I would like Sonic Gal to do it, and for the love of God, it better not have any sprites in it. (I hate sprites.)
Attention Customers/Staff of SG2F Designz,

First and foremost let me again apologize for my absence in this shop. When this shop first opened, it was VERY successful. We had customers flooding the shop, and the best artists around to keep it up to date. But, very soon did we all become very busy and the shop just wasn't able to keep up. I would like to especially apologize to Sonic Gal for everything dumped on her, and would like to honor her for doing her best to keep the shop running. Unfortunately, this can't continue. A lot of use are just too bust atm to maintain a shop. So to solve this, this shop will close down for the time being. It WILL re-open hopefully soon, when we can all make a full return. I'm very sorry for all of this. Thanks to everyone for choosing us for your artwork needs, and hope to see you all again in the future.

To the Staff,
Thank you all for your hard work that you put into the shop to make it so successful. I hope that when this shop re-opens, you will consider working for it again. Hope to see you all again soon!

George2fresh, since you've closed for the time being, I'm going to close the topic to prevent spam from hitting this topic. When you want it re-opened, please let me know and we'll open the topic back up for you guys!
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