RE: Soren's Player Thread - Really need shiny Rotom, Spiritomb and Giratina
Happy belated Independance Day to all my fellow Americans!
Just a reminder to the following people who I still have unfinished buisness with:
With MewEX07, my Linoone* for his lv. 100 something
With Circe., one Spiritomb for one Blissey, time and date to be finalized
With seanius, one Duskull* and one Croagunk* for one lv. 100 Nidoqueen and one lv. 100 Miltank, time and date to be finalized
With Flamewheel, one Sandshrew* for one Unown V*, time and date to be finalized
With Legendary Pkm Master, on Croagunk* and one Duskull* for one Houndour*, time and date to be finalized
With Dylon, a massive 13 for 13 trade dealing with shinies and 10th Anniversary Pokemon
With Kevin Garrett, my Up Grade, Dubious Disc and Choice Scarf for a few TMs
and I think I still have something planned with chill_glacia and badger62
ANYWAY, to all of you, try to contact me before Sunday, July 8th, because starting that day I will be leaving for a two-week animation camp and so will not return until July 22nd-ish.
superbla96: Finished.
MCD: Tell me what hatches from those eggs, I like to keep tabs on what hatches.