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RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

That's what I've thought ^^

But 6 page's is also nice =D

Charizard88, can you do Zenin's Request, because it seems that I'll be bussy tomorrow.
And have you talked with your parents about our trade ?
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

[Banner/Avatar] Banner
[How many Pokez] 5
[Wich Pokez] Lugia, Ho-oh, Chikroita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile
[Background] Gold one half with Ho-oh, Silver on half with Lugia (Starters should be on the bottom of the banner)
[Color Scheme] Gold and Silver
[Text] Relive the days of Gold and Silver....sign on the Gold and Silver remake petition!
[Text Colors] First part, gold, second part silver.
[Size] Standard.
[Border Yes/No] No
[Artist Request Yes/No] Yes, Charizard88.
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

Yanmega Owns said:
[Banner/Avatar] Banner
[How many Pokez] 5
[Wich Pokez] Lugia, Ho-oh, Chikroita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile
[Background] Gold one half with Ho-oh, Silver on half with Lugia (Starters should be on the bottom of the banner)
[Color Scheme] Gold and Silver
[Text] Relive the days of Gold and Silver...sign on the Gold and Silver remake petition!
[Text Colors] First part, gold, second part silver.
[Size] Standard.
[Border Yes/No] No
[Artist Request Yes/No] Yes, Charizard88.

Okay, I'll put you in his Request List!

@ Zenin:
Charizard88 is doing your request now, because I am bussy tomorrow but he will do Yanmega Own's one first.

@ Light Venusaur:
Are you doing some requests?

-So far!
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

Can I have a Banner please?
[Banner/Avatar] Banner
[How many Pokez] 3
[Wich Pokez] Tangrowth (GE cut-out) , Sceptile (SF cut-out) and claydol (GE cut-out)
[Background] forest , jungle , something wild and green
[Color Scheme] Green and Dark Green
[Text] Welcome to the Jungle
[Text Colors] Dark Green
[Size] like 400 by 150
[Border Yes/No] no
[Artist Request Yes/No] no
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

Allright, I think that's the right Job for Prof.Shinx, I ask him!
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

I AM THE CUTOUT MASTER :3 *Awaites flames*
(Randy-Arnold) said:
Can I have a Banner please?
[Banner/Avatar] Banner
[How many Pokez] 3
[Wich Pokez] Tangrowth (GE cut-out) , Sceptile (SF cut-out) and claydol (GE cut-out)
[Background] forest , jungle , something wild and green
[Color Scheme] Green and Dark Green
[Text] Welcome to the Jungle
[Text Colors] Dark Green
[Size] like 400 by 150
[Border Yes/No] no
[Artist Request Yes/No] no



RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

Good job Prof.Shinx.

@Light Venusaur:
Do you work at some Requests ?
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

Does my art have white around it like the Murkrow banner? My page shows white and thats what I thought the forum was until I was at 'Maniacs house and seen that the fourm is grey not white which is why I cant see the 'white boarder'. :p
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

Why do you don't make a Border with a matching color like I've done it with the Head Banner on the Front Page ?
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

It still wont work because 'Maniac sent the Grey to me and it still shows as white, if I sent you a {Prt Scrn} it would show Grey for you but still white for me. Anyhoo...
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

Just make it pink and everyone will se it :p
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

dark charizard said:
[Banner/Avatar] banner
[How many Pokez]1
[Wich Pokez] lickitung
[Background] pink with loads of saliva everywhere
[Color Scheme] green
[Text] Lickitung in fancy writing
[Text Colors] purple
[Size]what looks best
[Border Yes/No] no
[Artist Request Yes/No] yes light venasaur
I can't do the saliva, how ever I can make a "watery" theme for you if you want me to.

[How many Kirby] 2
[Wich Kirbyz]Hammer and Fighting
[Background] Blue/green
[Color Scheme]? ^ I guess
[Text] The Kirby Klan
[Text Colors]Green and Blue
[Size]Little wider than the AA Banner
[Border Yes/No]Yes
[Artist Request Yes/No] LV please! She's Really good.

Okay, I put you in her Request list!
You'll need to get me the Picture (as I'm refuseing people's requests who don't supply me with them).
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

You could just crop spit from pictures. *shudders*
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

Hi, can i please have a siggy?

[Banner/Avatar] Banner
[How many Pokez] 3
[Wich Pokez] three of The Gengar from the SF card
[Background] Evil Mansion thing with lightning storm
[Color Scheme] purple/black for the sky
[Text] Gengar is Fear
[Text Colors] Orange
[Size] Whatever works best
[Border Yes/No] No
[Artist Request Yes/No] No

Thanx in advance:)
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

Thats the way to order, not to many limits :D

Your looking at a pretty dark banner then?
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

Prof. Shinx said:
I AM THE CUTOUT MASTER :3 *Awaites flames*
(Randy-Arnold) said:
Can I have a Banner please?
[Banner/Avatar] Banner
[How many Pokez] 3
[Wich Pokez] Tangrowth (GE cut-out) , Sceptile (SF cut-out) and claydol (GE cut-out)
[Background] forest , jungle , something wild and green
[Color Scheme] Green and Dark Green
[Text] Welcome to the Jungle
[Text Colors] Dark Green
[Size] like 400 by 150
[Border Yes/No] no
[Artist Request Yes/No] no



First one looks great , Thank you so much.
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

Thanks, you dont have to have credit that big, small as possible :p
Don't forget to vote :p
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

Yeah, someone have forgot to vote at the poll ^^''
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

[How many Pokez]2
[Wich Pokez] infernape and machamp
[Background]half fire half rocks,i would prefer the fire in infernape's side
[Color Scheme]half fire half rocks,i would prefer the fire in infernape's side
[Text]INFMACH wishes you a merry christmas
[Text Colors]green
[Border Yes/No]yes,green
[Artist Request Yes/No]yes,prof shinx
RE: *Finnaly open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*

Okay, I put you in his Request list!
Btw, are you sure that you want a 650x250 one ? Because it's the limit and if you want to give a credit or put something else in your Signature, it will be deleted, but that'd up to you!