RE: *Finally open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open*
Puncher, your Machamp banner is done:
Don't forget to vote on the poll.
Puncher, your Machamp banner is done:

Don't forget to vote on the poll.
infmach said:[Banner/Avatar]banner
[How many Pokez]2
[Wich Pokez] infernape and machamp
[Background]half fire half rocks,I would prefer the fire in infernape's side
[Color Scheme]half fire half rocks,I would prefer the fire in infernape's side
[Text]INFMACH wishes you a merry christmas
[Text Colors]green
[Border Yes/No]yes,green
[Artist Request Yes/No]yes,prof shinx
infmach said:help!
prof. shinx didn't answer please z0n3 g3tt3r (or any other worker help me)!
Sorry if I bothered.
FatalAeroX said:can you please help me make a banner?
[Banner/Avatar] Banner
[How many Pokez] 4
[Wich Pokez] Luxray(LA),Claydol(GE),Dusknoir(DP) and Chatot(MD)
[Background] Pure Black
[Color Scheme] Black(?)
[Text] Anti-AMU
[Text Colors] Black
[Size] Ehmm...I don't really know...anything as long as its nice
[Border Yes/No] Yes...Black
[Artist Request Yes/No] No..It doesnt matter to me
thanks in advance...oh...and pls PM me the banner whenever you are done...
Flygon999 said:I'll reserve this request.And z0n3 g3tt3r, I'll PM him telling him that he didn't fill out the form correctly, because he said "PM me when done" so I'm guessing he isn't gonna look back here.
Well I did it anyways, if that's okay with you.