RE: [W] Sally X, Spiritomb, Expert Belt [T] Up to 5 X's for it
Only one Garchomp Lv.X MD, but it isn't in mint condition, but still playable. Also I have 2 SV Garchomps. Let me know if we can work out a deal, I was looking for someone who trades his Sally X for a LONG! time
RE: [W] Sally X, Spiritomb, Expert Belt [T] Up to 5 X's for it
Only Luxray GL Lv.X, and I don't list it because I won't trade it. I have some deckboxes, but I don't mind to trade them overseas because shipping costs will rise up to heaven then.
My offer:
Garchomp Lv.X (MD), nm
2 Garchomp (SV), tm
2 or 3 X's from my list
RE: [W] Sally X, Spiritomb, Expert Belt [T] Up to 5 X's for it
Errm..I can do, but I only have a 2mp cam so I can't make sure you'll see it. But I also have a Garchomp Lv.X in better condition, it's for another trade though, but the cards from this trade haven't arrived within 1,5months so I guess I can trade it. This one is 95% mint.
RE: [W] Sally X, Spiritomb, Expert Belt [T] Up to 5 X's for it
It has some minor scratches, and it isn't 100% mint, since 100% are only cards that are fresh from packs, and since MD is an older set, Garchomp isn't 100%. Give me a minute, I'll upload the pictures.
RE: [W] Sally X, Spiritomb, Expert Belt [T] Up to 5 X's for it
Alright, While you upload... Would you trade your Lux X? Also, whats with Uxie X? SPN? as in Spanish?
My GF asks if you have any GER Gastrodons [West and East]