Soul's LP Gallery. Upd. 14th January 2010 Please, I need your comments!

RE: Soul's Art Gallery Upd. July 13th. Jessica Alba/Nightmare Tag added.

Yes, you can.
RE: Soul's Art Gallery Upd. July 13th. Jessica Alba/Nightmare Tag added.

No problem m8 =)
RE: Soul's Art Gallery Upd. July 13th. Jessica Alba/Nightmare Tag added.

could i get the 3rd i-phone banner
RE: Soul's Art Gallery Upd. July 13th. Jessica Alba/Nightmare Tag added.

Sure, just take it ^^
*I'll update this thread with tons of new tags and LPs when I get my Internet at home back*
RE: Soul's Art Gallery Upd. August 23rd | Added a whole bunch of new stuff! Checkout!

*Grande' Update!* Please Cn'C!
RE: Soul's Art Gallery Upd. August 23rd | Added a whole bunch of new stuff! Checkout!

Would you die of you'd post something in here >__>
RE: Soul's Art Gallery Upd. August 23rd | Added a whole bunch of new stuff! Checkout!

Soul can you plz make a tutorial on how to make effects and btw I tried a new layer so it wont be white background and it didnt work =/
RE: Soul's Art Gallery Upd. August 23rd | Added a whole bunch of new stuff! Checkout!

Sorry, I use Photoshop...totally different to Gimp =/
RE: Soul's Art Gallery Upd. August 23rd | Added a whole bunch of new stuff! Checkout!

Yeah but the background is still white exactly how do I do it?
RE: Soul's Art Gallery Upd. August 23rd | Added a whole bunch of new stuff! Checkout!

Do you use that layer box ?
RE: Soul's Art Gallery Upd. August 23rd | Added a whole bunch of new stuff! Checkout!

I clicked add new layer and put this: 125x125, transparency and title: New Layer what did I do wrong?
RE: Soul's Art Gallery Upd. August 23rd | Added a whole bunch of new stuff! Checkout!

Hmm...sorry man I don't know what you're doing wrong =/
Maybe screenshot it =]
RE: Soul's Art Gallery Upd. August 23rd | Added a whole bunch of new stuff! Checkout!

Commentzzzzzzzzzzz >_>
RE: Soul's Art Gallery Upd. August 23rd | Added a whole bunch of new stuff! Checkout!

Oh yeah xD Well your lucky you even get comments on your gallery =(
Anyway I love the Iphone one its so so cool!
RE: Soul's Art Gallery Upd. August 23rd | Added a whole bunch of new stuff! Checkout!

Thank you =]
RE: Soul's Art Gallery Upd. August 23rd | Added a whole bunch of new stuff! Checkout!

I missed all the new ones xD The car one is pwn.The Kirby one is pretty cool just not alot of effects. The most
colorful one is the emo girl one.