I'm sorry to say, but I'm going to have to take a leave from this shop :| Art is fun for me and all, but doing pokemon card scan images over and over just gets really boring after awhile. Maybe later I'll open a shop or something just for anime and people renders but I'm over pokemon images. On top of all that, I barely get on anymore and I'm more committed to my shops at pokecommunity and for some people here, some of the costumers don't have ANY patience and can't understand the mistake of forgetting your request done, or have been busy that they can't get it done in a day or few. Little by little I'm loosing interest in coming here especially since I'm done with the TCG. Hopefully, I'll still be coming on here once and awhile to do SoTW when it's my shift, but other than that, you won't see me too often. If you want to talk to me, contact me on Pokecommunity or aim @ Saharradesertz. With this said, sadly this shop will need a new name and co leader as of my leaving. Don't take this as my permanent leaving of PokeBeach, but rather a early goodbye from when I'm officially leaving. I'd like to thank...
-Soul Seeker
-Ryuu (Even though ur not here, you've been my motivation to make it this far)
-Jamtok (I don't care if we don't know where you are, you've been one of my best friends here and literally my mentor)
You've guys have always been there for me, and I just want you guys to know that. I bid my farewell to this shop :'(
Besides all of this, I just want to say one last thing. This shop seems to be the only one active right now. Thus, all the requests come here. Sooner or later you costumers will be driving our workers crazy with requests. To keep this shop open, I suggest one of you guys step up and try to get better at art to start a shop, or this one will close due to the many requests it has and where what would you do? Who cares if your not the best at art, it just seems we're the only working artists here and some of you don't know how frusturating it is to put up with all the requests coming here. Don't rely on us for all of your art needs. THERES SOMETHING CALLED PHOTOBUCKET YOU CAN GET POGEYMANZ BANNERS OFF FOR FREE...
-Panda out-