SoulWork - Artshop - Repost your Request if needed.

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RE: [Flying Souls] Order Art here, but read the rules this time!

Pandamore said:
Then why can't you read earlier posts to explain the answer? -_-

Soul Seeker said:
Celtics Kid said:
What do you want ? > garchomp on left, origin form giratina in middle, salamence on right
Characters ? >
Size ? > medium
Color Scheme ? > glow in the dark green
Text ? . none
Size ? >
Artist Request ? > Soul Seeker
Secretly a Ninja ? > yes really annoes me if people don't read things >_>
I'm not doing Pokémon images on banners anymore!
Reason was explained above...

RE: [Flying Souls] Order Art here, but read the rules this time!

What do you want ? > Banner
Characters ? > Moo
Size ? > Regular Banner Size
Color Scheme ? > Cowish?
Text ? Moo
Text Size ? > Medium
Artist Request ? > Soul Seeker
Secretly a Ninja ? > Yes
Comments ?> Can you put the Moo in a speech bubble that comes frm the cows mouth?

Thank you. ^_^
RE: [Flying Souls] Order Art here, but read the rules this time!

I already spent time on celtics kid's request today and finished yet he wants another banner already?
RE: [Flying Souls] Order Art here, but read the rules this time!

Haha it's so funny how people can't read even though it's right in front of him ^_^ [/fairly ticked-off person]

RE: [Flying Souls] Order Art here, but read the rules this time!

May I please have a banner?

What do you want ? > Banner
Characters ? > Gallade 4 X, Raichu GL, Bronzong MD
Size ? > It doesn't matter
Color Scheme ? > purplish
Text ? > Fear the 4!
Size ? > Whatever works
Artist Request ? > Anyone but Soul Seeker
Secretly a Ninja ? > Yes, i mean no

Take your time with this one, I'm in no hurry. Thanks
RE: [Flying Souls] Order Art here, but read the rules this time!

Its kinda pissing me off how people all have "HeartGold and SoulSiver" stuff and "the decks that are winning worlds nations or whatever else" people don't have variety. Just cause its a pokemon forum doesn't mean you should see 10 people with "Dialga G Lv X" or "Luxray GL Lv X" or whatever it is. -_-
RE: [Flying Souls] Order Art here, but read the rules this time!

Lol, why'd you think Panda and SOul both quit making pokemon art. It gets kinda redundant :p
RE: [Flying Souls] Order Art here, but read the rules this time!

I quitted pokemon art unless I have the render for it which in Flygon999's shop I can get thanks to 42Chocolate. :D
RE: [Flying Souls] Order Art here, but read the rules this time!

Soul Seeker
[Image: avatar_5617.png][Image: fleet_admiral.png]
[Image: 2wlvm0j.png] Administrator
[Image: Elite.png]
-Banners, Avatars, Userbars and Vert Tags-
-No Pokémon/Card images!-

Hope that clears it up :D
RE: [Flying Souls] Order Art here, but read the rules this time!

I'll make a request that has absolutely nothing to do with Pokemon.

What do you want ? > Avatar
Characters ? > A soccer ball
Size ? > Avatar size
Color Scheme ? > like a disco ball. I'd like it animated.
Text ? > No
Size ? > No text
Artist Request ? > Anyone that can do animation
Secretly a Ninja ? > What? How did you know?
RE: [Flying Souls] Order Art here, but read the rules this time!

Mudkip said:
What do you want ? > Banner
Characters ? > Moo
Size ? > Regular Banner Size
Color Scheme ? > Cowish?
Text ? Moo
Text Size ? > Medium
Artist Request ? > Soul Seeker
Secretly a Ninja ? > Yes
Comments ?> Can you put the Moo in a speech bubble that comes frm the cows mouth?

Thank you. ^_^


Btw. clreared up the front page.
RE: [Flying Souls] Order Art here, but read the rules this time!

Soul Seeker said:
Mudkip said:
What do you want ? > Banner
Characters ? > Moo
Size ? > Regular Banner Size
Color Scheme ? > Cowish?
Text ? Moo
Text Size ? > Medium
Artist Request ? > Soul Seeker
Secretly a Ninja ? > Yes
Comments ?> Can you put the Moo in a speech bubble that comes frm the cows mouth?

Thank you. ^_^


Btw. clreared up the front page.

I hope you like it even of the bad result, but a cow is a really weird request xD


  • cowbanner.png
    97.8 KB · Views: 8,266
RE: [Flying Souls] Read the freakin' Rules!

Nice cow banner to whoever ordered it. x3

What do you want ? > Avatar please.
Characters ? > Azelf Mesprit and Uxie from Msterious treasures. And the Lv.Xs from Legends Awakened
Size ? > Normal Avvy size
Color Scheme ? > Make it look like there's waves behind them. You know Psychic waves. =p
Text ? > I want it to be animated, if I could. First show Azelf and say, "Are" then Mesprit with, "You" then Uxie with "Ready?" Then make it fade black. Then make Azelf then Mesprit, then Uxie Lv.X pop-up really fast. One at a time in that order. Then make it go to JUST Azelf Lv.X and say "I thought so."
Text Size ? > Smallish
Artist Request ? > Whoever does animation
Secretly a Ninja ? > How dare you tell! *Poof*

A lot I know, but if I could please have this instead of Xous art repeatedly. =p
RE: [Panda][Soul]Productions™ ©2009 | Order now!

Leafy101 said:
May I please have an....
What you want:avatar
Pictures/Renders:Leafeon and Shaymin sky, Leafeon is the Ken Sugimori, and Shaymin Sky's picture is from the movie when it uses Energy Ball.
Color Scheme:Greenish Blue.
Artist : Don't really care.
Notification? [yes/no] :Yes
Secretely A Ninja? [yes/no] : no

Did any one do it?It's on page 81
RE: [Flying Souls] Read the freakin' Rules!

Leafy101 said:
Leafy101 said:
May I please have an....
What you want:avatar
Pictures/Renders:Leafeon and Shaymin sky, Leafeon is the Ken Sugimori, and Shaymin Sky's picture is from the movie when it uses Energy Ball.
Color Scheme:Greenish Blue.
Artist : Don't really care.
Notification? [yes/no] :Yes
Secretely A Ninja? [yes/no] : no

Did any one do it?It's on page 81

Read the FREAKEN rules people. It's not that hard.
RE: [Flying Souls] Read the freakin' Rules!

ZOMG people don't read the rule. I might quit like all the shops I work at soon. Just seeing people rushing sickens me. I think we need to stop doing people's request if this keeps going and close down our shops so they have to make their own banners and stuff. Or at least charge them for every time they rush us.
RE: [Flying Souls] Read the freakin' Rules!

bippa: a...moving soccer ball?


RE: [Flying Souls] Read the freakin' Rules!


If the costumer disobeys the rules, even if it's just rushing us, your request will be declined and you will be banned from the shop for a week. Second offence to this will result in being banned from the shop permenatly, no questions asked.

You think it's harsh? Too bad, even when we specificly change the title to "READ THE RULES" some ppl just can't understand that. We're sick of all this rushing and complaining, and we're done dealing with it.

I worry about some of you >.>
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