Wi-Fi Trades Soxrcol's MPT. Want VGC pokes with good IV's, Have WORLD09 Weavile!!

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RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Have events and EV'd pokes LF:Battle pokes and good IV's!

Hey Seth, what do you want for the EV'd Rampardos?
Heres my trade thread link...
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Have events and EV'd pokes LF:Battle pokes and good IV's!

araugh, forgot to change thread.

I lost my plat a couple weeks ago and I need time to finish my new one and send stuff over from my back up game.

so its gonna be a little bit but I still have almost everything on the front page

about recent trades:

@ShineVini: yeah sounds good

@Freak: shiny adamant munchlax sound good?

@Tayler: VGS09 Milotic? om nom nom

but yeah I'm not gonna be on this thread for a bit, lock it if you want but people can still arrange trades with me if they want.
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Lost plat, bbl lolz

whats with the "om nom nom"??? English version or Japanese version? And whats the rampys stats?
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Lost plat, bbl lolz

Delicious milotic. idk lol english and I'm not sure right now because I dont have my DS on me
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. open again!! WORLD09 Weavile!!

no lol I don't like spending the time to ev train let alone breed for anything past nature D: and haven't caught a legit shiny yet.
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. open again!! WORLD09 Weavile!!

CMT for 09 weavile.
I have an Adamant WORLD 08 Lucario if you want in and I have the VGC 09 Milotic but I forget the naure. I have it in Japanese as well.:)EDIT. My VGC 09 Milotic in Englisg and Japanese both are Timid Natures and the VGC 09 Weavile is a Jolly nature. Let me know if you want any of these. I have to get them cloned if you want them. Thanks. If you want them I will pick from your thread. Thanks.:)
Check my trades for the WORLD09 Weavile.
Soxrcol said:
I kinda want the world08 lucario :)

Ok. I will get that cloned for you as soon as I can. I will see what you have that I might not have and PM you. Thanks.:)
Lunar Wing - lol I forgot to reply :p If you could get me a timid Cyndaquil I'd trade for weavile?
I am still working on getting your Lucario cloned. I hope I can tomorrow. I have not had any repies back. Probably because of school but I am trying to get it done for you though.:)
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