SP or evolution

Well wasn't it the same way when the Delta sets were out. It's a good question about what is better Sp vs Evolution; yes the sp decks may have rules at Nats which says a lot but doesn't mean nothing because most sp decks are the same. Whereas Evolutions decks may make a come back when the new SV set comes out because it's really the first time you can combine sp with evolution.
SPs are more consistant but if evolution decks can set up they kick butt. It all depends on what you like.

Overall though I say SP decks because they have a lot of support and a lot of options that Evo decks don't
Celebi23 said:
Darth Pika, I don't think 100% of the decks in top cut were SPs. Not even close.
1 Thomas A- Gengar/Luxray
2 Aylam R- Mother Gengar
3 Jason C- Gechamp
4 Alex M- Aperay
5 Grafton R- Flygon/Weavile
6 Aaron H- GGvile
7 Michael Z- Mother Gengar
8 Kevin C- AMU
9 Nathaniel L-Flygon
10 Ankur P- Dialga G
11 Jacob T- Dialga G
12 Jason A- Mother Gengar
13 Alexander B- GG w/ Gengar
14 Aziz A- Flygon/Weavile
15 Michael B- GG
16 kevin a- Palkia Lock
17 Samuel L- Mother Gengar
18 Kennan M- Beedrill
19 Jonathan B- Gengar
20 Austin Z- Aperay
21 Eric W- Gechamp
22 Robert C- Beedrill
23 Alec N- Mother Gengar
24 Eleki R- Gallade 4
25 Michael D- Gechamp
26 James H- Mother Gengar
27 Quinn D- Regigigas
28 Lloyd W- Dialga/Gallade/Honchkrow
29 Jarret A- Mother Gengar
30 Spencer B- Mother Gengar
31 Geoffrey S- Aperay
32 Christian H- Aperay

That's 10 SP decks.
10/32= 31%

All in all, SP decks tend to be great in the early game, but seem to run out of steam later (Legos can't seem to get enough energy attached between Dialga and Palkia and once Luxape runs out of Energy Gain it also seems to start to run low on energy from Infernape's discarding. Stage 2 decks don't run out of steam, but they tend to be less flexible and a bit slower in setup (setting up 3 energy on a Flygon, getting 4 Beedrill out, getting Gengar and Nidoqueen out, etc.) There really isn't a better choice.

Your argument fails as this is the Senior top cut. Yes, there are some good seniors, but the large majority still have a lot to learn about deck choice. Also, if I remember correctly most of the evo decks got knocked out really quickly by the SPs.

Also, considering that you are also a senior don't try and tell me that X sp deck loses to this deck for some silly reason. Don't let a few lucky wins go to your head. Yes, props to you for what you've done this year, but please keep in mind that there are other players out there who still know a LOT more about deck building and matchups than you.

BTW, a good SP wrecks both Beedrill and Gengar.
here is a long term consideration with sp pokemon. so far all of the ones worth playing (by that i mean being at the core of a deck) have level x's, which by its' very nature (only 3 basics now instead of 4, what if the level x is prized) creates some extra instability in the deck. i doubt that there will ever be a world class contender sp pokemon that does not have/need a level x, it would be too unbalancing and variants of it would just take over the metagame. unlike the delta species era i doubt that there will ever be an era of dominant sp decks, they are just too easy to tech against. instead i expect the future is hybrid decks, an sp line next to an evolution line. something like ToxiTank but actually good (Kingdra/Floatzel is a better example). the curious thing right now is how all the good evolution decks are stage 2 decks and no stage 1s. stage 2s have completely differrent needs than basics and i think that is what is holding the hybrid decks up.
After taking a look at our up coming sets I agree with you. I think eventually we will start to see some SP/Regular pokamon hybrids. Though I still expect decks like Legos and Luxape to stay strong.