RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!
Could this order be done NOW JK

I would like a banner.
Text:Team Shade We Will Do Our Best.
Background: Whatever the background is for the Pokemon mansion banner.
Pokemon.Umbreon, Mismagius, Spiritomb, Dusknoir. If I had to choose one Spiritomb.
Another one.
Text: Same
Background: Grassy Field
Pokemon: Leafeon, Bulbasaur, Torterra, Carnivine. If I had to choose one Leafeon.
Another one.
Text: Same
Background: Underwater
Pokemon: Vaporeon, Octillery, Floatzel, Empoleon. If I had to choose one Empoleon.
Last One (For now)
Text: Same
Background: Volcanic Pit, or Blazing Fire. You pick.
Pokemon: Flareon, Magmortar, Infernape, Arcanine. If I had to choose one Magmortar.
This is for Team Shade a division of Team Lesage. So if you want to add division of Team Lesage to the banner that's ok.