Space and Time; A New Generation of Spriting has begun!

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RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Thanks twig and RM77

And Twig, I wan't to know about fusions and fake cards,Devils, Fossils, Reflections, Angels, Crystal, Data, Banners, Inverted Colors, Avatars too. pls help me. If it's good and I can understand and learn, I can join u'r shop. If U can't do it no probie. Pls Help TWIG
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

That is awsome! Thank you! I'll just need you to take of the " " and put periods where needed.
And you said you weren't good at banners, bellomnece. ;)
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Anyone need anything else? I'm free to do anything for a couple hours.
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

It must be nice to finally not have any orders, since not too long ago there were tons of orders.

Well, here's an order:
background: whatever you like (as long as it looks good)
text: Story Masters Club the fan-fic masters
picture: a pokemon either writing or reading

I hope you can do this (also if you have any time on your hands please make more banners and if you'd like join the club itself).
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Doubt we can find a Pokemon reading or writing
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

I know, it's kind of hard. The best way to go for that is scratch spriting one (if you do sscratch one, it's okay if you just give me that and then I can finish the banner myself).
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

I can't scratch, sorry. Ask someone else. That is, if there is anyone that can do that...
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

I'll change it if you want me to.
RM777: I still need the shop UB


  • i.bmp
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RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

DFB could you please give me credit for your userbar....
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Okay, all right. Consider it done....
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Twig you might want a bigger manaphy.
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

ShadowLugia: Are you appreciating ? or teasing ? Anyways, I've removed the "" and putted periods. I also made some unseen designs. :) Done, please give credit when used.



DawnFanBoy: You must give credit, that's a simple thing to do , and it's a simple request from an Shop Owner where you work, Rocket member 777 is the one who made that for you so consider putting " Credit to Rocket member 777 for the UserBar " in your sig or member title. You're like stealing artworks if you don't give credit.

vasoguardx: I can't find a pokemon image that writes are reads a book, I'm really very sorry because I can't make that order. I also don't know how to scratch.

You must now start saving your works into .png because your works looks messy in .bmp
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Any thing I can help out with?
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Bellomence, I'd have to say that is your best work yet.
And I'm not kidding!
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Wow. My staff is handling orders for me! Now I don't have to do it all myself! I'm kinda bored though. Anything for me to do? I updated my example sheet.
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Wow. My staff is handling orders for me! Now I don't have to do it all myself!

What do you expect we are all good spriters so we like to sprite and help out. Anyhow RM if you want the first order then I will take the one after that I am really bored.
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Charizard88 said:
Any thing I can help out with?

Aren't you going to do that card I ordered?
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

5. Banners:
Background: razor Leaf type thing
Pokemon/ Images: Turtwigs
Text: MrShaun7, King of the Mighty Turtwig
Additional comments:
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

I am working on the card. Hey Twig if you don't mind my computer is not letting me save stuff so I am running into diffulctys doing the card so if you don't mind. I can do the banner though I have enough space on my computer for that.
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Hey Rm. I asked this before, but can I be co-onwer. Can I ?