Space and Time; A New Generation of Spriting has begun!

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RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Ive got a new example sheet with new things I can do.


RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Guys I think I can make a userbar on paint but it might take a while I will try it out and get back to you. Also RM I will make a new example sheet that one is way not up to date!
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Zzzdark said:
Ill try the data, ill post when im done.

Here you go, if i've done anything wrong tell me and ill redo it.



Also ill do samvids TCG banner if you tell me where to get the pictures.

Remember to give credit.

Sw~eet!! Thanks so much!! It looks awesome!! :3 I've already uploaded it to my site. ^^ With a link o' course! :3

Would it possibly be okay if I troubled you for another one? x]

14. Midgets:
Who's going to be a midget? Arcanine, of course! :3
Additional comments: Is it possible for you to use another one of these Ranger sprites? :)

Thanks so much, if you get around to it! I'm starting to like this shop, perhaps an award is in order soon? :)
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

I can't do midgets, you'll have to ask RM to do that.
Also im not sure if I will be able to post tommorow or the day after.
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Zzzdark said:
I can't do midgets, you'll have to ask RM to do that.
Also im not sure if I will be able to post tommorow or the day after.

Oh, okay. :) Well, whenever you get around to it, RocketMember! :) I'll be looking forward to it! ^^
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

What background/ image? Space
Pokemon (if you want one on there): Porygon-Z
Additional comments:
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

What background/ image?a big cute umbreon sitting like it was getting a treat
Pokemon (if you want one on there):umbreon
Text:umbreon, so cute!
Additional comments:plz give it lots of time i want it really detailed
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Lt. Empoleon said:
Rocket member 777 said:
If you don't like this userbar please tell me and I'll remake it.



Oops, can you change the Team Renegade to Team Lesage?
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

can i join here's my ,what i can do sheet:
i am very skilled in recolors i just couldn't find any of my newer ones[you can see i am in my fusions] , so i posted my three that are pretty old
my sheet:

code said:
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

cyborgdarkrai said:
What background/ image? Space
Pokemon (if you want one on there): Porygon-Z
Additional comments:



Just tell me if you want something to be changed....

If it's about the pixels, please specify the pixel you want.
If you want a shadow (reflection) PorygonZ, I will be glad to make one for you.
If it's about the background, please give me the link to your desired background.
If it's about the PorygonZ image, please give me a link to your desired PorygonZ Image.
If it lacks design, just tell me what to add.
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

My brother mustangqb13 said this is the best place to get banners and userbars!

5. Banners:
Background:a dojo
Pokemon/ Images:Lucario and Machamp
Additional comments:

1. Userbars:
Color one:Brown
Color two:Gray
Pokemon/ picture:Riolu,and Lucario,Machop and Machamp
Additional comments:make the userbar change from Riolu and Lucario to Machop and Machamp just like Rocketmember777's userbar does
any idea when my items will be done?
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

1. Userbars:
Color one:Blue
Color two:Yellow
Pokemon/ picture:Feraligatr,Delcatty,and Magneton
Additional comments:
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

LucarioMistress said:
My brother mustangqb13 said this is the best place to get banners and userbars!

5. Banners:
Background:a dojo
Pokemon/ Images:Lucario and Machamp
Additional comments:

1. Userbars:
Color one:Brown
Color two:Gray
Pokemon/ picture:Riolu,and Lucario,Machop and Machamp
Additional comments:make the userbar change from Riolu and Lucario to Machop and Machamp just like Rocketmember777's userbar does
any idea when my items will be done?

here's the banner: [sorry i just couldn't find a dojo] so here it is
the image :

and the code:
code said:
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Well here is the banner I made one with a dojo!


Code: Add to the front of the code.
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!



One of the fusions finished....

Okay, that's all I'll do now...

EDIT: You can also try this.....


RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

^bellomence thank you so much for the banner!^ I love it!
bellomence could you do my userbar? Please?!?!?!
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Background: Sky
Pokemon/ Images: Ho-Oh
Text: Ho-Oh shall rule over the skies.
Additional comments:
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

I'll try this banner

EDIT: Done !


Please note I don't have GIMP or Photoshop. So that's the best I could do
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Well dawnfanboy you don't color the sprite's background around it blue I will make one once I get back from my chore.

OK I finished the banner here trie this...



if you want me to add more ho-oh I will do that.
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

15. Custom Trainers:
What trainer? Ace Trainer
How will it be customized? Make his hair be black, his eyes green, and he's wearing camouflage.
Additional comments: None

Wow I haven't seen this shop in a while