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Sparks of Lugia

Dark Espeon

Dark Avatar

  • 3 Thundurus Ex (beatdown)
  • 3 Deoxy Ex (beatdown)
  • 3 Lugia Ex (beatdown)
  • 2 Snorlax (beatdown)

  • 4 Professor Juniper (draw)
  • 2 Shadow Triad (search)
  • 2 Skyla (search)
  • 3 Colress (draw)
  • 3 N (draw)
  • 1 Scrambled Switch (switch)
  • 4 Colress Maschine (boost)
  • 4 Muscle Band (beatdown)
  • 2 Tool Scrapper (disable)
  • 2 Plasma Ball (search)
  • 2 Ultra Ball (search)
  • 3 Switch (rescue)
  • 3 Frozen City (disruption)

ENERGY (14):
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 6 Lightning Energy
  • 4 Plasma Energy


Start with Thundurus Ex and discard energies to boost benched attackers. Use Colress Maschine to fuel either Lugia or Snorlax. Fill the bench with two attackers and Deoxy Ex to assist them. Attack with either Lugia Ex or Snorlax turn two to three and built another one on the bench. Frozen Stadium handles complements Muscle Band to enable Lugia Ex to ohko the opponent.

The deck has ten draw trainers and four cards. Trainers have been chosen to handle status conditions and to search out Pokémon. Tool Scrapper is needed to combat Garbador and Silver Mirror. Muscle Band is a nice addition to the deck since it allows Lugia Ex to ohko HP 170 Pokémon Ex.


Muscle Band - Item
Pokemon Tool: Attach a Pokemon Tool to 1 of your Pokemon that doesn’t already have a Pokemon Tool attached to it.
Each of the attacks of the Pokemon this card is attached to does 20 more damage to your opponent's Active Pokemon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).
RE: Flames of Lugia

actually, i play lugia deck
is too easy to set up 4 deoxys
almost every game i finish with all the deoxys in play
you play pal pad, so i would cut 1 shadow triad and 1 skyla for an extra deoxys and extra plasma ball
lugia-ex+40 from deoxys+2 from muscle band = 180 OHKO and 3 prizes xD
RE: Flames of Lugia

Hi energyfullart(?,

Sounds good. Made the suggested modifications to the deck. What is your experience in terms of starting with Deoxy Ex as the only Pokémon instead of Victini Ex?
RE: Flames of Lugia

Dark Espeon said:
Hi energyfullart(?,

Sounds good. Made the suggested modifications to the deck. What is your experience in terms of starting with Deoxy Ex as the only Pokémon instead of Victini Ex?

if you dont play any max potion it will hurt :p
also you will need super rod
RE: Flames of Lugia

Hmmm...not sure on Max Potion without a mean to move the energies around. Since I do run Frozen Stadium would it be fine to run one less Deoxy Ex?
RE: Flames of Lugia

Victini is too easy to knock out for prizes, especially since blastoise is still one of the most popular decks. If your V Piece is prized, your up S**t creek and you'll have a slow time loading up energies. Also when V Piece is gone, its gone. There are better pokemon for energy acceleration like thundurus (which is what i use in my Lugia+Dexoys deck), Virizion is also good. I just cant see anyone using victini as an accelerator. Knocking out 3 of those and the game is over (Two easy knock outs if I get my Lugia up first)

also if you are going to plasma badges, Virzion would be the better choice since it protects from status conditions and you can colress machine if you stick a badge on. Also hitting for 100 on blastoise and other water types is good (and frees up an ace spec)

+2 Virizion EX
+8 Grass
+1 Dowsing machine / Scramble switch / Computer search
+2 DCE
+2 Ultra Ball
+2 Switch or Float Stones (your preference)

-4 Victini Ex
-9 Fire
-1 V Piece
-1 Bicycle
-1 Skyla
-1 Plasma Ball
Thanks for the review. Thundurus Ex sounds good to me. Changed the deck in line with the recommendations.
4 Thundurus isn't needed, 3 should do the trick. You only need/want 1-2 out the whole game. Try another attacker.

4 Colress is WAY overkill. You don't want that in your opening hand. I would switch for a 3rd N (3-3 split works well for me).

You don't really want to be attacking with Deoxys. If you want a 3rd attacker tech in a Snorlax or Bouff or something. Therefore, take out the 3 Prisms for 2 Lightning and 1 DCE. Having 4 DCE is a must in Lugia.

Last thing, would you mind organizing your Trainers into Supporters, Stadiums, and Items separately? It would make it much easier to understand. Okay, hope I helped. Good luck!
Ha now the deck is just DTL . also this is a variation of the deck i posted last night haha.

But, if you make this deck, you wont be disappointed, it has done me wonders.

Also remove 2 lightning energies for 2 Skylas so you can search for colress machines, balls and other trainers. And you have no Ace Spec? You should atleast have one, either Computer Search, Dowsing or even scramble switch (so you can move to other lugias)

-2 Lightning
-1 Frozen City (2 is enough)

+1 Ace Spec
+2 Skyla
Hi Nico,

Thanks for the review. Went even on Colress and N as suggested and also decided that three Thundurus Ex could suffice. Also removed the special energies and included a fourth Double Colorless and some basic Lightning Energy.

Hi JungleBeatz,

Went with your recommendation and Thundurus Ex seemed faster than Virzion Ex and also constitutes a nice attacker. Included three Skyla but not sure on the Ace card at the moment.
Dark Espeon said:

Hi JungleBeatz,

Went with your recommendation and Thundurus Ex seemed faster than Virzion Ex and also constitutes a nice attacker. Included three Skyla but not sure on the Ace card at the moment.

As for ACE spec, you should just play test the deck (either in RL or PTCGO online) and pick from there. I highly recommend Dowsing, Scramble Switch or Computer Search, Rockguard (Ranked in that order). It just depends how quickly you play & how quickly you use your resources.

-Going for speed and using resources, used in late game (Dowsing)
-Going to set up quick and using minimal resources, used in early game (Comp Search)
-Tripping up opponents and using fresh Lugia good mid/late game (Scramble)
-Protecting lugia from direct damage (Rock Guard)

And even if you want to trick them.
Gold Potion (heals +90)
Victory Piece (need to find room for 1 Victini) [Used for finishing opponents with ex's with 100hp or less OR killing off Genesects/Virzions)
Four switch is a must in this deck (In my opinion) as if deoxys is stalled, you're done. Ace spec of choice, computer search, get that lugia set up. Also float stones do not work at all as you are trying to load the muscle bands. You also need to cut to play consistent 4 copies of cards such as colress machine and muscle band.
Hi zavtac,

Float Stone was ment for Deoxy Ex to ensure he can retreat. Went almost even on Float Stone and Escape Rope since the latter can also be used to get rid of status effects and retreat Deoxy Ex with float stone attached.
Hi folks,

Revised the deck and centered it more around Lugia. The deck turned into a version of Yeti now. Still unsure on Snorlax in the new format since a knocked out Snorlax costs a lot of resources and the deck has troubles to recover from that. Did not use him much for these reasons and would be interested in ideas on a second non-Ex colorless attacker that consumes less resources but knocks out Safe Guard defenders. Considered Furfrou but he is less than ideal since Thundurus Ex cannot boost him on the bench without Plasma Badge being added to the list.

Basic Colorless Pokemon
Ability: Fur Coat
Any damage done to this Pokemon by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
[C][C][C] Energy Cut: 80
Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy attached to your opponent's Active Pokemon.
Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1
Only other decent non-EX colorless energy attacker would prob be buffalant from DRX. You still need plaa badge to accelerate to it buts it also reduces damage by 20