Welcome to my trading thread and yada yada yada
o1. Be respectful and patient
o2. Do not give me audaciously hacked pokemon
o3. Do not redistribute anything that says you can not redistribute
o4. When asking for a pokemon and you don't know what I want simply give me your player thread.
o5. I am looking for Ev'd/Iv'd Pokemon, if it's decent I'll probably take it.
I will continue adding pokemon
Pokemon: Togekiss
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Hustle
EVs: 252HP/252atk
IVs: 31/31/5/29/3/1 (Estimated from lvl 25)
Moves: Extreme Speed-Aerial Ace-Brick Break-Flamethrower
Redistributable: Sure
Choice Band Kiss is so unpredictable and random it’s almost amazing. It has a priority from the physical side, and can still kill stuff like Foretress with Flamethrower.
Pokemon: Clefable
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 atk/252 spa (I’ll gladly Re-Ev it)
IVs: 31/29/28/31/30 or 31/24 or 25
Moves: Focus Punch/Thunder Bolt/Ice Beam/Return/Frustration/Meteor Mash (Your choice)
Redistributable: Sure
Novelty Clefable (The Great UU Wall Breaker), comes with your choice of moves and ev’s.
Pokemon: Clefable
Nature: Modest
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 Spa/252 spe (I’ll gladly Re-Ev it)
IVs: 31/29/19/31/30/9
Moves: Focus Blast/Substitute/Calm Mind/BoltBeam/Flamethrower
Redistributable: Sure
All out special attacking Fable, or calm mind Fable your choice. Comes with your choice of Ev’s
Pokemon: Tentacruel
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 252Hp/252SpD
IVs: 31/21/28/28/30 or 31/15
Moves: Sleep Talk/Surf/Ice Beam/Toxic Spikes/Sludge bomb/Toxic
Redistributable: Sure
Standard wall Cruel your choice of moves.
Pokemon: Spirtomb
Nature: Bold
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252Hp/252SpD
IVs: 31/16/26/30 or 31/31/4
Moves: Dark Pulse/Hypnosis/Icy Wind/WoW
Redistributable: No
Awesome Spritomb friend gave me, works by lowering opponents speed, forcing switches, and making excellent use of double status.
Pokemon: Altaria
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252Hp/252Atk
IVs: 30 or 31/29/30 or 31/30 or 31/3/28 or 29 (stupid lvl 40 inaccurate results)
Moves: Dragon Dance/Dragon Claw/Earthquake/Roost or Rest
Redistributable: Yes
Dragon Dance Altaria Bulky style, this way it can still live some hits and provide assistance as a wall while waiting to set up for the sweep.
Pokemon: Altaria
Nature: Modest
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252spa/252 HP
IVs: 31/20/27/15/30 or 31/31
Moves: Ice Beam/Flamethrower/Draco Meteor/Dragon Pulse
Redistributable: Yes
Standard choice spec’d Altaria works wonders in UU
Pokemon: Salamence
Nature: Lonely
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252atk/252spe
IVs: 31/31/8/30 or 31/16/31
Moves: Brick Break/Roost/Dragon Claw/Draco Meteor/Fire Blast/Stone Edge/Dragon Dance
Redistributable: Yes
MixMence is beast and it comes in so many varieties I’ll let you choose. Currently I’m using it as a Scarfmence.
Pokemon: Houndoom
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Early Bird
EVs: 252Spa/252Spe
IVs: 28/29 or 31/17/30 or 31/22/29 or 31
Moves: Flamethrower/Nasty Plot/Substitute/Dark Pulse
Redistributable: Yes
Nasty Plot Stolen Houndoom ready to go
Pokemon: Weezing
Nature: Bold
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252Hp/252def
IVs: 31/0/29 or 30/30 or 31/30 or 31/12
Moves: Haze/Toxic/Sludge Bomb/Flamethrower/Thunderbolt/WoW
Redistributable: Yes
Standard Physical wall
Pokemon: Medicham
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 252atk/252Spe
IVs: 30 or 31/31/2/30/5/29 or 30
Moves: Hi Jump Kick/Brick Break/Focus Punch/Thunder Punch/Ice Punch/Psycho Cut
Redistributable: Yes
I love this thing, always have always will. Choice Scarf Cham has saved my but so many times it’s unbelievable.
Pokemon: Electrode
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Static
EVs: 252Spa/252Spe
IVs: 3/29 or 30/27-31/1 ()/31/30 or 31
Moves: Thunder/Rain Dance/Explosion/Thunder Wave
Redistributable: Yes
I don’t know how I never noticed the 1 SpA but it doesn’t really need it so meh. This Electrode is a lead off rain dancer.
Pokemon: Uxie
Nature: Bold
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252hp/252def
IVs: 28/21/7/7/31/9
Moves: U-Turn/Thunderbolt/Stealth Rock/Yawn
Redistributable: No
Pokemon: Azumarill
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252Hp/252Atk
IVs: 31/31/17/21/5/17
Moves: Focus Punch/Waterfall/Aqua jet/Substitute
Redistributable: Yes
Do I really have to explain?
Pokemon: Absol
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Super Luck
EVs: 252atk/252spe
IVs: 30 or 31/31/27/20/30 or 31/30 or 31
Moves: Rock Smash/Psycho Cut/X Scissor/Swords Dance/Night Slash/Sucker Punch
Redistributable: No
One of my pride and joys, and it speaks for itself.
Pokemon: Arcanine
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Flash fire
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spe
IVs: 30 or 31/22-24/22/31/31/31
Moves: Overheat/Thunder Fang/Crunch/Fire Blast/Flamethrower/Hp Ice/Extreme Speed
I was going for hasty or timid but this worked out perfect for me either way mixnine
Pokemon: Arcanine
Nature: Modest
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 Spa/252 Spe
IVs: 5/29-31/1/30 or 31/13/28-30
Moves: Thunder Fang/WoW/Flamethrower/Fire Blast/Overheat/Dragon Pulse
Redistributable: Yes
Choice Spec or hit and run Arcanine.
Pokemon: Arcanine
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252Atk/252Spe
IVs: 31/30/23/30/13/30
Moves: Flare Blitz/Extreme Speed/Thunder Fang/Crunch
Redistributable: Yes
CB Arcanine
Pokemon: Heracross
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Swarm
IVs: 30/30/27/21/3/31
Moves: Megahorn/Reversal/Close Combat/Night Slash/Substitute/Swords Dance/Aerial Ace/Stone Edge/Earthquake/Endure
Redistributable: Yes
This thing can do whatever you like SD, Choice Band/Scarf, Reversal, ect.
Pokemon: Gyarados
Nature: Adamant
Ability: intimidate
EVs: 252Atk/252Spe
IVs: 31/31/26/20/30 or 31/31
Moves: Bounce, Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Substitute
Redistributable: Yes
Platinum Gyarados Bounce set
Pokemon: Gengar
Nature: Modest
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Spa/252 Spe
IV's: 31/x/13/30 or 31/17/30 or 31
Moves: Shadow Ball/Focus Blast/T-Bolt/Energy Ball/Hypnosis/Sludge Bomb
Redistributable: Yes
Choice scarf or Spec Gengar.
Pokemon: Gengar
Nature: Hasty
Ev's:252 Spa/252
Iv's:29-31/31/19/31/29/30 or 31
Moves:Hypnosis/Shadow Ball/Energy Ball/Explosion/Thunder Bolt/Sludge Bomb/Focus Punch/Substitute.
Redistributable: No
This is probably one of my best breeds but thanks to lvl 25 iv checking its not direct. This is meant as a Blissey exploding Ghost. It may also be used as a McGar.
Pokemon: Metagross
Nature: Impish
Ability: Clear Body
Ev's: 252 Hp/156Atk/156Def
Iv's:30 or 31/31/31/28/31/15
Moves:Meteor Mash/Earthquake/RestTalk
Redistributable: No
This is an amazing status absorbing "wallish" Metagross. The Iv's speak for itself.
Pokemon: Kingdra
Nature: Adamant
Ev's: 24Hp/252Atk/232Spe
Iv's: 31/18/27/28/21/31
Moves: Outrage/DD/Rest/Sleep Talk
Redistributable: Sure
I wasn't exactly breeding for Atk only def/hp/speed and all of that was good so I'm happy
Pokemon: Hitmontop
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Technician
Ev's: 252HP/252SpD
Iv's: 30/31/28/28/31/26
Moves: Bulk Up/Triple Kick/Mach Punch/Stone Edge
Redistributable: No
Amazing Bulk Up Top, no need for explanation once again.
Pokemon: Raticate
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Guts
Ev's: 252Atk/252Spe
Iv's: 26/31/20/24/24/31
Moves: Facade/Quick Attack/Sucker Punch/Protect
Redistributable: Sure
Standard Guts Flame orb Facade Raticate, but it's sexy because I made it
Pokemon: Swampert
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Torrent
Ev's: 240Hp/52Spa/212Def
Iv's: 31/26/31/19/30/24
Moves: Protect/Toxic/Surf/Ice beam/Earthquake/Stealth Rock
Redistributable: Sure
Standard wall Pert, again sexy because I made it.
Pokemon: Breloom
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Poison Heal
Iv's: 31/31/31/28/28/26
Ev's: Comes UT or 44Hp/252Atk/212Spe
Moves: Facade/Seed Bomb/Focus Punch/Substitute/Protect/Thunder Punch/Mach Punch/Stone Edge
Redistribution: Sure
Pokemon: Drifblim
Nature: Timid
Ability: Unburden
Iv's: 31/6/31/29/10/8
Ev's: 12 HP/80 DEF/216 SPA/200 SPA
Moves: Shadow Ball/Thunder bolt/Substitute/Hypnosis/Baton Pass
Redistribution: Sure
Baton Pass drifblim works very nice with 245 speed (Yes the 8 IV's was on purpose. Somewhat...)
Pokemon: Metagross
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Clear body
Iv's: 31/4/31/21/29/16
Ev's: 252 HP/252 ATK
Moves: Bullet Punch/Pursuit/Explosion/Earthquake/Meteor Mash/Rock Slide/Stealth Rock
Redistribution: Sure
Physical Wall Metagross I just decided to use it as a choice bander.
Pokemon: Snorlax
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Thick Fat
Iv's: 31/31/20/28/6/25
Ev's: 252 HP/252 SpD
Moves: Crunch/Rest/Body Slam/Frustration/Return/Fire Blast/Curse
Redistribution: No
Meant to be a more bulky CurseLax, but I forgot the SpD <.< Either way thing works wonders especially with thick fat
Pokemon: Houndour (In Training Stages)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Flash Fire
Iv's: 30/5/30/30/10/30/0 | Hidden Power: 68, FIGHTING |
Ev's: UT
Moves: Fire Blast/Flamethrower/Dark Pulse/HP [Fighting]/Nasty Plot
Redistribution: No
HP Fighting is epically sexy.
Pokemon: Beldum
Nature: Modest
Ability: Clear Body
Iv's: 31/31/4/20/24/29/16 l HP FIRE 38 l
Ev's: UT
Moves: Take Down
Redistribution: Sure
This was a spitback of when I was breeding adamant CB Gross, but I think it turned out pretty well.
Pokemon: Larvitar
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Guts
Iv's: 31/21/31/25/27/16
Ev's: UT
Moves: None
Redistribution: No
Suicune (Modest)
Regigigas (Adamant)
Latias (Timid)
Just ask if I want [Insert pokemon here with nature ev's and iv's] and I'll give you an answer.
Services (Temporarily Down)
Ev'ing (Done for Free if the Pokemon interests me)
Breeding (Done in exchange for one of your breeds)
Cloning (Done for Free)
I also give out items/tm's relatively cheap
Currently Breeding
Feel free to suggest something though...
Trades Completed
-I don't feel like keeping track
Welcome to my trading thread and yada yada yada
o1. Be respectful and patient
o2. Do not give me audaciously hacked pokemon
o3. Do not redistribute anything that says you can not redistribute
o4. When asking for a pokemon and you don't know what I want simply give me your player thread.
o5. I am looking for Ev'd/Iv'd Pokemon, if it's decent I'll probably take it.
I will continue adding pokemon
Pokemon: Togekiss
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Hustle
EVs: 252HP/252atk
IVs: 31/31/5/29/3/1 (Estimated from lvl 25)
Moves: Extreme Speed-Aerial Ace-Brick Break-Flamethrower
Redistributable: Sure
Choice Band Kiss is so unpredictable and random it’s almost amazing. It has a priority from the physical side, and can still kill stuff like Foretress with Flamethrower.
Pokemon: Clefable
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 atk/252 spa (I’ll gladly Re-Ev it)
IVs: 31/29/28/31/30 or 31/24 or 25
Moves: Focus Punch/Thunder Bolt/Ice Beam/Return/Frustration/Meteor Mash (Your choice)
Redistributable: Sure
Novelty Clefable (The Great UU Wall Breaker), comes with your choice of moves and ev’s.
Pokemon: Clefable
Nature: Modest
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 Spa/252 spe (I’ll gladly Re-Ev it)
IVs: 31/29/19/31/30/9
Moves: Focus Blast/Substitute/Calm Mind/BoltBeam/Flamethrower
Redistributable: Sure
All out special attacking Fable, or calm mind Fable your choice. Comes with your choice of Ev’s
Pokemon: Tentacruel
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 252Hp/252SpD
IVs: 31/21/28/28/30 or 31/15
Moves: Sleep Talk/Surf/Ice Beam/Toxic Spikes/Sludge bomb/Toxic
Redistributable: Sure
Standard wall Cruel your choice of moves.
Pokemon: Spirtomb
Nature: Bold
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252Hp/252SpD
IVs: 31/16/26/30 or 31/31/4
Moves: Dark Pulse/Hypnosis/Icy Wind/WoW
Redistributable: No
Awesome Spritomb friend gave me, works by lowering opponents speed, forcing switches, and making excellent use of double status.
Pokemon: Altaria
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252Hp/252Atk
IVs: 30 or 31/29/30 or 31/30 or 31/3/28 or 29 (stupid lvl 40 inaccurate results)
Moves: Dragon Dance/Dragon Claw/Earthquake/Roost or Rest
Redistributable: Yes
Dragon Dance Altaria Bulky style, this way it can still live some hits and provide assistance as a wall while waiting to set up for the sweep.
Pokemon: Altaria
Nature: Modest
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252spa/252 HP
IVs: 31/20/27/15/30 or 31/31
Moves: Ice Beam/Flamethrower/Draco Meteor/Dragon Pulse
Redistributable: Yes
Standard choice spec’d Altaria works wonders in UU
Pokemon: Salamence
Nature: Lonely
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252atk/252spe
IVs: 31/31/8/30 or 31/16/31
Moves: Brick Break/Roost/Dragon Claw/Draco Meteor/Fire Blast/Stone Edge/Dragon Dance
Redistributable: Yes
MixMence is beast and it comes in so many varieties I’ll let you choose. Currently I’m using it as a Scarfmence.
Pokemon: Houndoom
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Early Bird
EVs: 252Spa/252Spe
IVs: 28/29 or 31/17/30 or 31/22/29 or 31
Moves: Flamethrower/Nasty Plot/Substitute/Dark Pulse
Redistributable: Yes
Nasty Plot Stolen Houndoom ready to go
Pokemon: Weezing
Nature: Bold
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252Hp/252def
IVs: 31/0/29 or 30/30 or 31/30 or 31/12
Moves: Haze/Toxic/Sludge Bomb/Flamethrower/Thunderbolt/WoW
Redistributable: Yes
Standard Physical wall
Pokemon: Medicham
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 252atk/252Spe
IVs: 30 or 31/31/2/30/5/29 or 30
Moves: Hi Jump Kick/Brick Break/Focus Punch/Thunder Punch/Ice Punch/Psycho Cut
Redistributable: Yes
I love this thing, always have always will. Choice Scarf Cham has saved my but so many times it’s unbelievable.
Pokemon: Electrode
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Static
EVs: 252Spa/252Spe
IVs: 3/29 or 30/27-31/1 ()/31/30 or 31
Moves: Thunder/Rain Dance/Explosion/Thunder Wave
Redistributable: Yes
I don’t know how I never noticed the 1 SpA but it doesn’t really need it so meh. This Electrode is a lead off rain dancer.
Pokemon: Uxie
Nature: Bold
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252hp/252def
IVs: 28/21/7/7/31/9
Moves: U-Turn/Thunderbolt/Stealth Rock/Yawn
Redistributable: No
Pokemon: Azumarill
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252Hp/252Atk
IVs: 31/31/17/21/5/17
Moves: Focus Punch/Waterfall/Aqua jet/Substitute
Redistributable: Yes
Do I really have to explain?
Pokemon: Absol
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Super Luck
EVs: 252atk/252spe
IVs: 30 or 31/31/27/20/30 or 31/30 or 31
Moves: Rock Smash/Psycho Cut/X Scissor/Swords Dance/Night Slash/Sucker Punch
Redistributable: No
One of my pride and joys, and it speaks for itself.
Pokemon: Arcanine
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Flash fire
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spe
IVs: 30 or 31/22-24/22/31/31/31
Moves: Overheat/Thunder Fang/Crunch/Fire Blast/Flamethrower/Hp Ice/Extreme Speed
I was going for hasty or timid but this worked out perfect for me either way mixnine
Pokemon: Arcanine
Nature: Modest
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 Spa/252 Spe
IVs: 5/29-31/1/30 or 31/13/28-30
Moves: Thunder Fang/WoW/Flamethrower/Fire Blast/Overheat/Dragon Pulse
Redistributable: Yes
Choice Spec or hit and run Arcanine.
Pokemon: Arcanine
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252Atk/252Spe
IVs: 31/30/23/30/13/30
Moves: Flare Blitz/Extreme Speed/Thunder Fang/Crunch
Redistributable: Yes
CB Arcanine
Pokemon: Heracross
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Swarm
IVs: 30/30/27/21/3/31
Moves: Megahorn/Reversal/Close Combat/Night Slash/Substitute/Swords Dance/Aerial Ace/Stone Edge/Earthquake/Endure
Redistributable: Yes
This thing can do whatever you like SD, Choice Band/Scarf, Reversal, ect.
Pokemon: Gyarados
Nature: Adamant
Ability: intimidate
EVs: 252Atk/252Spe
IVs: 31/31/26/20/30 or 31/31
Moves: Bounce, Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Substitute
Redistributable: Yes
Platinum Gyarados Bounce set
Pokemon: Gengar
Nature: Modest
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Spa/252 Spe
IV's: 31/x/13/30 or 31/17/30 or 31
Moves: Shadow Ball/Focus Blast/T-Bolt/Energy Ball/Hypnosis/Sludge Bomb
Redistributable: Yes
Choice scarf or Spec Gengar.
Pokemon: Gengar
Nature: Hasty
Ev's:252 Spa/252
Iv's:29-31/31/19/31/29/30 or 31
Moves:Hypnosis/Shadow Ball/Energy Ball/Explosion/Thunder Bolt/Sludge Bomb/Focus Punch/Substitute.
Redistributable: No
This is probably one of my best breeds but thanks to lvl 25 iv checking its not direct. This is meant as a Blissey exploding Ghost. It may also be used as a McGar.
Pokemon: Metagross
Nature: Impish
Ability: Clear Body
Ev's: 252 Hp/156Atk/156Def
Iv's:30 or 31/31/31/28/31/15
Moves:Meteor Mash/Earthquake/RestTalk
Redistributable: No
This is an amazing status absorbing "wallish" Metagross. The Iv's speak for itself.
Pokemon: Kingdra
Nature: Adamant
Ev's: 24Hp/252Atk/232Spe
Iv's: 31/18/27/28/21/31
Moves: Outrage/DD/Rest/Sleep Talk
Redistributable: Sure
I wasn't exactly breeding for Atk only def/hp/speed and all of that was good so I'm happy
Pokemon: Hitmontop
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Technician
Ev's: 252HP/252SpD
Iv's: 30/31/28/28/31/26
Moves: Bulk Up/Triple Kick/Mach Punch/Stone Edge
Redistributable: No
Amazing Bulk Up Top, no need for explanation once again.
Pokemon: Raticate
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Guts
Ev's: 252Atk/252Spe
Iv's: 26/31/20/24/24/31
Moves: Facade/Quick Attack/Sucker Punch/Protect
Redistributable: Sure
Standard Guts Flame orb Facade Raticate, but it's sexy because I made it
Pokemon: Swampert
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Torrent
Ev's: 240Hp/52Spa/212Def
Iv's: 31/26/31/19/30/24
Moves: Protect/Toxic/Surf/Ice beam/Earthquake/Stealth Rock
Redistributable: Sure
Standard wall Pert, again sexy because I made it.
Pokemon: Breloom
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Poison Heal
Iv's: 31/31/31/28/28/26
Ev's: Comes UT or 44Hp/252Atk/212Spe
Moves: Facade/Seed Bomb/Focus Punch/Substitute/Protect/Thunder Punch/Mach Punch/Stone Edge
Redistribution: Sure
Pokemon: Drifblim
Nature: Timid
Ability: Unburden
Iv's: 31/6/31/29/10/8
Ev's: 12 HP/80 DEF/216 SPA/200 SPA
Moves: Shadow Ball/Thunder bolt/Substitute/Hypnosis/Baton Pass
Redistribution: Sure
Baton Pass drifblim works very nice with 245 speed (Yes the 8 IV's was on purpose. Somewhat...)
Pokemon: Metagross
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Clear body
Iv's: 31/4/31/21/29/16
Ev's: 252 HP/252 ATK
Moves: Bullet Punch/Pursuit/Explosion/Earthquake/Meteor Mash/Rock Slide/Stealth Rock
Redistribution: Sure
Physical Wall Metagross I just decided to use it as a choice bander.
Pokemon: Snorlax
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Thick Fat
Iv's: 31/31/20/28/6/25
Ev's: 252 HP/252 SpD
Moves: Crunch/Rest/Body Slam/Frustration/Return/Fire Blast/Curse
Redistribution: No
Meant to be a more bulky CurseLax, but I forgot the SpD <.< Either way thing works wonders especially with thick fat
Pokemon: Houndour (In Training Stages)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Flash Fire
Iv's: 30/5/30/30/10/30/0 | Hidden Power: 68, FIGHTING |
Ev's: UT
Moves: Fire Blast/Flamethrower/Dark Pulse/HP [Fighting]/Nasty Plot
Redistribution: No
HP Fighting is epically sexy.
Pokemon: Beldum
Nature: Modest
Ability: Clear Body
Iv's: 31/31/4/20/24/29/16 l HP FIRE 38 l
Ev's: UT
Moves: Take Down
Redistribution: Sure
This was a spitback of when I was breeding adamant CB Gross, but I think it turned out pretty well.
Pokemon: Larvitar
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Guts
Iv's: 31/21/31/25/27/16
Ev's: UT
Moves: None
Redistribution: No
Suicune (Modest)
Regigigas (Adamant)
Latias (Timid)
Just ask if I want [Insert pokemon here with nature ev's and iv's] and I'll give you an answer.
Services (Temporarily Down)
Ev'ing (Done for Free if the Pokemon interests me)
Breeding (Done in exchange for one of your breeds)
Cloning (Done for Free)
I also give out items/tm's relatively cheap
Currently Breeding
Feel free to suggest something though...
Trades Completed
-I don't feel like keeping track