Help Special Darkness Energy


Aspiring Trainer
I have a question. Can I use a Special Darkness energy to pay for attack which can use any energy? I mean the colorless symbol.
Ok thanks
The card Dangerous Energy from Breakthrough can only be attached to Dark types. The card Special Dark Energy can be attached to any Pokemon; however the +10 damage will only be applied to attacks from Dark types.
Does it mean that I can use it as colorless energy for any type of Pokémon?

You can only make the Dangerous Energy or the Special Energy version of Darkness Energy count as [C] Energy through certain card effects.

You can, however, use Energy of any Type to meet a the [C] Energy requirements in things like attacks and Retreat Costs. [C] Energy requirements accept Energy of any Type. Such a distinction may not be necessary. I cannot remember for certain, but over the the last (almost) 20 years of the game, there might be some card effects that specify [C] Energy, so I wished to be clear about this game mechanic.
I cannot remember for certain, but over the the last (almost) 20 years of the game, there might be some card effects that specify [C] Energy, so I wished to be clear about this game mechanic.
Well, yeah, Dimension Valley is a card, Otaku. ;p

Right; let me clarify.

I cannot remember for certain, but over the last (almost) 20 years of the game outside of Japan, there might be some card effects that specify [C] Energy, and in a manner that would be relevant to my nitpicking. ;)

I was thinking "Select a Type" effects, but a quick search makes me think most of those made sure to exclude the [C] Type as an option, anyway. I also know some people get confused by situations like cards that tell you to discard a specific Energy Type and Energy that can provide more than one Type at a time.