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SPECIAL: Luxray x for $50 shipped. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF

RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF, LUXRAY X

How does this sound:
Cyrus Conspiracy x1 $3
Energy gain x3 $9
Sp radar x2 $2
Power spray x4 $6
$20 shipped total.
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF, LUXRAY X

CML for blaze fb x and drifloon shiny
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF, LUXRAY X

This is my sell thread, but if you wanted an offer, I'd do:
$15 bfbx
$3 shiny drifloon
$18 shipped.
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF, LUXRAY X

i've traded for some this stuff so i dont need some of it. but can you do.
Cyrus Conspiracy x1 $3
Energy gain x3 $9
Power spray x1 $.75

for $12.75 shipped to Canada?
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF, LUXRAY X

$13 shipped because you're in canada, it'll cost me a bit more. pm to let me know.
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF, LUXRAY X

ok. PM'd
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF, LUXRAY X

Charizard SF
Charizard AR x3
Call Energy x4

Can I have some prices for them, shipped to Greece? Paying with Paypal. Thanks. :)
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropic

Charizard sf is no more lol,
the only call energy I have are rh, which are $10 each
Charizard ar are $6 each.

$60 shipped, plus paypal fees.
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF, LUXRAY X

Charizard AR is still at $6 even after this came out? Anyway, no thanks, I was mostly hoping for a cheap Charizard SF.
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF, LUXRAY X

Oh, I forgot about those lol. Either way, I can't afford to let these go for less than $3, so you'd be better off buying those lol.
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF, LUXRAY X

how much for?

Infernape e4 x
Leafeon x
Uxie x4

please list each individual price
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF, LUXRAY X

Infernape e4 x $18
Leafeon x $35
Uxie x4 $18

$70 shipped
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF, LUXRAY X

eh..nty to the ape and leafeon..i may take you up on the uxies though..so..4.50 each? could you drop down to 4?
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF, LUXRAY X

Unfortunately not, I'm hardly able to do $4.50, I may not be able to replace them for that little.
But I wouldn't charge for shipping, so it'd only be $18 shipped.
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF, LUXRAY X

$12 for Blaze FB X?
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF, LUXRAY X

How much for 4x PokeTurn?
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF, LUXRAY X

$15 shipped on 4 poke turn. Pm me to let me know.

I'm unfortunately out of BFBX, I need to change the list.
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropical Wind 08 worlds STAFF, LUXRAY X

Looking for the following:
(Prices are from T&T rounded up)

SH3 - Voltorb - $2
SH5 - Swablu - $2
SH7 - Milotic - $3
Moltres - SV Reprint - $2
Hitmonchan - PL Reprint - $2

LMK or Counter, thanks.
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropic

Ok, I can do those prices, let me just check and see if I still have all of them.
RE: Constantly being updated over the next few days. SP engine, Lv xs, primes, Tropic

Please PM when found, thanks :)