Specified Thread Does Not Exist

Shuckle the Snail said:
Well that kinda is a glitch

actually it's not exactly a glitch...it is the result of a deleted post, the space that was used when the post was there still exists, even though the info for the post has been removed and deleted...being the space required for that post still exists, it makes a "ghost post" so to speak...so while forum system still thinks there's a post, there really isn't, and when enough space is used to create a new page...the new page will be based off of all space that has been used in previous pages and being the extra space is being pushed to the end of the line and there is nothing to show, the specified info for the extra space doesn't exist, therefore creating the message that you are getting
qnetykz said:
actually it's not exactly a glitch...it is the result of a deleted post, the space that was used when the post was there still exists, even though the info for the post has been removed and deleted...being the space required for that post still exists, it makes a "ghost post" so to speak...so while forum system still thinks there's a post, there really isn't, and when enough space is used to create a new page...the new page will be based off of all space that has been used in previous pages and being the extra space is being pushed to the end of the line and there is nothing to show, the specified info for the extra space doesn't exist, therefore creating the message that you are getting

All I know is that it 100% isn't the result of a deleted post. I think that actually, if you make a post as long as the previous one, it will stretch to the next post. It could be a glitch. Or probably when you're near to going onto the next page, it starts happening.
huh? This is happening to me on every thread. and it always happens when there are 10 posts on the second to last page, and there aren't actually any posts on the last page. It's just a very anoying glitch.
PMJ said:
Huh? This is happening to me on every thread. and it always happens when there are 10 posts on the second to last page, and there aren't actually any posts on the last page. It's just a very annoying glitch.

Yeah, that's what exactly is happening to me. Check my TCG set in Fan Creations. At post 101, the thing gets activated.
This has happened to me continuosly on the beach member picture thread, It is always on the last page when I click on it it says this specified thread does not exist. Its getting annoying.
The popular threads have one more page then the they have so if they had like 15,000 post and for the sake of an example 1,500 pages if you click on latest post it takes you to page 1,501 which doesn't excist yet so thats your problem.
That happened to me before, like on my banner shop for example...

But it's just a glitch although it's annoying to get to the last page especially when you have 17 or 18. :]

- Luigii
It happens to me all the time, and it really annoying with those popular tgreads, that have like 396 pages! That is just plain ANNOYING!
Yeah, I can't view the third page of my trade thread, which sucks because I'm getting new offers on it that I can't see.
Juliacoolo said:
It's not a glitch. Whenever 1 page meets the limit for # of posts, it starts the new page, which "doesn't exist" till someone posts there.

I don't think so, I've posted in the last page of threads(with no nonexisant following page) and as soon as I post the next page appears with my post, so it doesn't appear until the post is made. But yeah, it's just a glitch, and you can just go the the seemingly penultimate page, which is the real latest posts.

And for you people saying it's annoying for threads with many pages, on teh url just put the page# back 1 and you'll go to the right page.
Yeah, I didnt used to happen to me, but now it happens whenever i want to read somthing new.

I especially hate it on clan threads.

When their is a new post, you click on "last Page" to veiw it right? I click-page does not exist...

I also noticed it seems to add an extra page to threads that has nothing on it.