Gengar master said:
All of that I agree with.
I will be making edits now. I don't like Poke Fan Club because Eeveesaren't the priority, only in certain match ups. I actually didn't mean to take out Shadow Triad. I really like that card.
I want to add Kyurem but what do I take out?
I'd say you choose either Kyurem or Eeveelutions at this point. It's true that Kyurem is good, but we gotta remember guys: this is about Lugia. I run Kyurem as an alternate attacker in my deck, sure, but I don't think we should add anything that doesn't add anything to the main point of this deck.
I think the way this deck should play is:
Get out your Toad as quickly as possible and if you can't, power Lugia up without Toad.
If you play against an Hammer heavy deck or Pyroar or something try and attack with leafeon,
I just don't feel like Kyurem is necessary to "fit in". You can take out the Eeveelutions , but I honestly think you should play your deck the way you want. If you think Eeveelutions works better for you, don't. Make sure to try both though.
Okay I might have said just a few days back that you shouldn't run Trump, but that was given you would run Thundurus. If you don't want to run Thundurus, I think Trump will be definitely worth it. I have been trying it out, and it's winning me games. It also allows you to make more room, since you don't need to run 3 counterstadiums. You can just Trump Card it back. Of course, this gives your opponent his stadiums back too but since most decks that rely on Stadiums run 3 it's not that big of a deal. When all your Plasmas get Hammered it's nice to be able to quickly get all of them back, which is something Triad can't do. It might seem weird to run both Triad and Trump but it doesn't get in the way when I play my deck, which runs Thundurus, so it probably won't be that big of a deal. If you feel it's not working out, I personally would rather get rid of the Triad
I also think you should really run an Ultra Ball at this point. You're running 3 pokes that you can't get with a Plasma Ball and you can still use it on Plasma pokemon. Losing resources isn't that big of a deal with Trump Card anyways.