Spiritomb from Arceus (#89) [7/6]

Well i love this card i use it in my curse deck that does so well even majestic dawn on it does well this card does great aginst sp decks and it helps you set up.....but they are easy to knock out but at least they couldnt use trainers that turn with that is disruptive so yes great card :)
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
It's a great starting card! As long as you have basics on your bench and a spiritomb active, you can quickly get out all your evolutions. The only problem is it stops you from plying trainers, but who doesn't have an altenative supporter?
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
Anything that uses stage two evolutions (Jumpluff, Machamp, Gengar, Kingdra, etc.)
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
Like I said, anything that you can evolve!
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
4/5. It's a great card, but the trainer lock is definetly a problem....
5. How's the artwork?
I personally don't like the artwork that much. 2/5.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or has potential? Is it worth playing?

The moment I look at it, Spiritomb isn't good on its own, yet, it does have some potential that can be quite helpful. Its Poke-body, Keystone Seal, makes you an your opponent unable to play trainers as long as Spiritomb remains your active. It even has an attack that can help speed up the evolution of your Pokemon. The attack is called Darkness Grace. It lets you search your deck for a card that evolves from one of your Pokemon and then you play that evolution card onto one of your Pokemon to evolve it. If you do that, you place 1 damage counter on Spiritomb. It also has an attack that does 10 for 1 {D} energy, but no one really uses it a lot. Because of the useful first attack and body, its no doubt that Spiritomb isn't good on its own, but it is actually worth playing.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?

As of now, the most popular deck that uses Spiritomb is Cursegar. Cursegar uses the hit and switch Gengar from Arceus so that you hit for 60 and then switch with one of your bench Pokemon. In this case, you switch it out for Spiritomb so that you can trainer lock your opponent for a turn. Then, after that, you need to find a way to switch out the Spiritomb, so use cards like Moonlight Stadium or Unown Q to do just that. Then, the strategy repeats. Cursegar is effective for that reason, and it is no wonder why it is doing pretty well in our current metagame.

There is another popular metagame deck that uses this Spiritomb right now. Plox is that deck. The more classical Plox decks are starting to run 3-4 Spiritombs for a reason. It is so that they can start with Spiritomb to trainer lock in the beginning in order to slow down the opponent for a turn, as well as to allow you to evolve a bit faster with its first attack. Thus, you can tell that Spiritomb can be a great starter as well. That's just comes to showing that Spiritomb is indeed popular in today's competitive play.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

I would obviously use Spiritomb as it is being used in the metagame right now. In this case, I would run it with Gengar AR. As mentioned, I would use Gengar AR to do 60 and 10 to the bench. Then, I would switch Gengar into Spiritomb to trainer lock the opponent for a turn. When it is my next turn, I would find a way to switch Spiritomb, either with Unown Q or Moonlight. Then, I would retreat Spiritomb into Gengar and repeat the process. Yep, so that's how I would be using Spiritomb.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you would give it that rating.

I would give Spiritomb a 4/5. Spiritomb is one beastly card. Its Poke-body can trainer lock pretty nicely, and thanks to the Poke-body, it can stop many trainer-relying decks cold in their tracks, like Gyarados, Jumpluff, and even some SP decks. It is also a great starter thanks to its first attack that allows to have some quick evolution. It even has no weakness, so that's also a bonus. The only problem is the 60 HP, so it can be somewhat easy to KO. Regardless, Spiritomb is a great card in today's metagame that should not be underestimated.

5. How's the artwork?

The artwork looks pretty decent. I do like the ancient ruin-like background in the picture. It does bring in a feel of how this Spiritomb does look pretty ancient. They way how it even appears looks cool too.