Blog Spittin' Truth on the Rogue Regal Pokémon: Serperior

Love the article and the amount of humor and wit put into this. Some Pokebeach articles are very informational, but i'm sometimes missing the humor along with the article. This article however, is penty of fun. Looking forward for your future article on Pokebeach in the future!
"Flip the Table, Flip the Bird, Out." Seems legit...It reminds me of how tired I get of playing night march sometimes.
I really liked the idea of the article and how it isn't a NM tourney report or something already done before.
IMHO, I felt like this article was a bit over the top with jokes. I usually look forward to your style, but sometimes it was too hard to follow the analogies and the name changes (such as "1 Pair of BPA-free Bottles"). And I don't really know how a newer player, a person who I would expect to play this deck (because of cost and ability to comprehend simple attacks/damage) to follow this article.
Sorry for the hard critique, but I love reading your stuff and this didn't hit the mark for me.
Thank you to all that have commented - I appreciate the feedback, positive and negative. I really do.

@Elbow, totally get it man. That bit about the newer player is something I actually haven't considered, and will definitely look forward to fixing in my June article. Thank you for pointing that out, and don't apologize "for the hard critique." I'll be sure to focus on balancing the humor with the content. Thank you for your sincerity.
Thank you to all that have commented - I appreciate the feedback, positive and negative. I really do.

@Elbow, totally get it man. That bit about the newer player is something I actually haven't considered, and will definitely look forward to fixing in my June article. Thank you for pointing that out, and don't apologize "for the hard critique." I'll be sure to focus on balancing the humor with the content. Thank you for your sincerity.
I look forward to your next article!
I've been eyeing Serperior for a while, and now I'm motivated to try out a deck. Loved reading this article! Especially all the buildup to the ending. xD
I love this card. I really do

But the problem is, the meta doesn't love this card.

I feel like there are just too many bad matchups now (NM, Quad Zoroark, Alakazam, Trevenant)... It would have been great when ToadTina was dominating

Anyways, I still love dem memes you use. This is pure gold content that you can't even pay for nowadays, because it's free.

I was going to write an article for May, but there is actually a little secret background Pokemon project that's diverted my focus. and school - ironically, it's English class that is giving me problems.

So, good luck in the contest! I love your work!
And maybe you can strike your 3rd booster box in a row...
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I've been eyeing Serperior for a while, and now I'm motivated to try out a deck. Loved reading this article! Especially all the buildup to the ending. xD

It's really fun. I love how it has troll component with the flips, but doesn't really infuriate the opponent because...ya know. You don't always pull it off and there are so many outs, just like @TheUltimateAbsol mentioned in his comment.

...and now I'm curious about the project. Good luck with English my man. And, of course, thanks for the kind words as usual my friend. :)
Built this as the fun casual deck to play at leagues and whatnot when a non-competitive level player challenges me - fantastically fun budget level deck to play that can get wins on the top tier decks.

Also really enjoyed the article - made me laugh a few times especially the picture tie ins.
I'll have you know I play serperior and Beat ALL these decks, including night March. It because of Jirachi as a mild threat to Night March
This is absolutely amazing. You did a wonderful job. But one thing I want to know is: did all of this actually happen? (I'm guessing not)
Full disclosure here, I'm competing with you for that box so I have every reason not to post here but I'm going to offer you some feedback, because that's what we real writer do \o/

I'm probably in the minority here, but I don't like all the yo yo yo ghetto memelord stuff. I think it detracts from the message you're trying to send, especially when you start using silly slang names for cards that make me go back and try and decipher what it is you're talking about. I can't imagine how a new player would feel.

I understand that there's a humor element that you want to be present in your articles, and with all the attention you've received it's clear that perhaps that's what the audience wants to read... but I think there is a limit, I think.

Setting aside the jokes, I feel that the story in the beginning went on for way, way too long, and I wasn't excited to hear that there was even more coming at the end. Like I said, humor is fine, but maybe rein it in a little for month's winner, yeah?

Anyway, good luck to you in the competition. Looking forward to reading whatever you put out in the future.
@DogStar - this is the beauty of the deck. Of course it requires a little luck, but man is it fun to pull off. Thank you for the feedback! :)

@rainyman123 - what did you include in your list to give your version good matchups?

@DatSonicAce - thanks so much man! Haha, it didn't. I don't have a thyroid condition, and I don't own My Little Pony t-shirts.

@PMJ - I appreciate the feedback! Amen, just like I mentioned to Elbow earlier, any criticism is valued - encouraging or constructive. The reason I write the way I write with words like "swag" and "Gucci" and etc. etc. is due to the way...well, I talk in real life. This is the magic of writing fam - you can distinguish yourself with just the right tone, syntax, and diction. I want members to read my articles, not look at the author's name, and be like, "Yo it's John. This is awesome," or, "Yo it's John. This intro gonna be suspiciously related to the subject matter and potentially cringe-worthy...gonna read it anyway and see how he ties it to said subject." This is characteristic of my style, and I plan on sticking with it until the majority of the readers find that I am not clearly communicating the material at hand. Lemme know when articles become rap lyrics and require Genius to step in. I don't think I'm quite there yet but I might.

I understand the intro and conclusion were heavy-handed and long, (as I literally apologized in the article haha), but too many articles start with "Hey Beachgoers!" or "Hi members of PokéBeach!" that I take pride in hooking the reader with whatever narrative I can come up with. I let my fingers fly with this one. Was having too much fun and am glad that most of the members received it well.

I do aim on working on finding that balance between humor and content, however. You and Elbow both brought that up, and I regret forgetting about the new player's perspective. While I believe I didn't do an awful job in confusing the majority of the audience, I know it might not have been as easy for some. I use a lot of references.

Thanks again for the thought, PMJ.

P.S.: No lie, I laughed when I read your response because "Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson" is kind of a "yo yo yo ghetto" username lol.

P.P.S.: I apologize for not having read your article yet. I plan on doing so here in a hot sec. The concept looks great from the title! :D
Yeah it is lol. I wanted to see if I could get away with both a super long username and also a username with "pimp" in it and sure enough no one cared.

It was also ten years ago, so I guess my tastes have changed since then.
Somehow, when I try playing Serperior, I too often end up getting snake-bitten... Just something when playing it stops the strategy from working: Forest of Giant Plants never being drawn, Shaymin-EX starts, tons of tail-flips, never getting an energy to save my life, etc.

Sadly, the inconsistency ruins everything for me. I wanted to like this deck type - yet sadly it doesn't like me. -_-

I guess I'll try out your deck list, though. Good article!
Does the red fennekin coin really flip heads more often or is it just a personal good luck charm for you? My coin flipping mega aggron wants to know xD