I think another big thing to bring up is how abysmal pack rates are nowadays. I really don't think with the rates packs have nowadays it'd be feasible to complete a set even if they did more themed products for sets. How long's it been since you could open up a booster box or two, get most of the set and then just buy the last few things you need as singles? HGSS-era? I'd argue later XY was okay too, but it took a bit more effort to complete the sets, and it definitely wasn't at the level of HGSS.
While I think the Sword and Shield era of the TCG is miles better than the last one, we're still using this antiquated pack rate system that doesn't reflect the sizes and scale of our modern-era sets. Japanese boxes, for nearly half the price, net you merely one or two less as many Ultra Rares as a booster box here. I really think it'd be smart if they upped the pack rate to at least how Shining Legends was. It'd make opening packs feel a bit more worth it to the buyer. If they're intent on giving us so many cards per set, reflect it within the pull ratios. It'll never be as feasible as buying singles, but it'll at least make completing sets a bit easier, and make opening packs more fun.