Spriting Contest [First Round ends Nov. 21, 5:11 P.M. EST]


Yes. This is a custom title... I think..
Welcome to my spriting contest, here we are looking for the best of the best.

1. No spamming
2. No saying "Your art sucks"
3. No asking to be a judge
4. Please use correct grammer
5. Save as .PNG
6. When joining, leave an example

(Graded out of 30)
1. Fusion of 3 Pokemon
2. Kirbymon
3. Chaomon
4. Fusion of 5 Pokemon
5. Winter themed anything
6. Fusion of one Grass Pokemon, one Water Pokemon, and one Fire Pokemon
7. One of anything that happened before this round (different sprite)
8. Pokemon scenes
9. Scratch sprite
10. Your choice

1. Light Venusaur
3. riolu_ranger
4. Fire_Pokemon_Master
5. Palmer

1. Achmetha
2. bonsly1994
3. Light Manaphy​

Leave an example or you cannot join, I reserve the right to refuse someone's entry (good spriters only). If it won't save in .PNG, just put it in an attachment. Remember, we will be grading on technicalities, one missed pixel when recoloring will be a discount in points. Have fun and please join!
RE: Spriting Contest [Looking for the best of the best!]

Only if you include examples. You should read the rules.
RE: Spriting Contest [Looking for the best of the best!]

I will join! But are you going to give me bad scores becasue you hate me??!?!?!?
RE: Spriting Contest [Looking for the best of the best!]

No, I don't hate you. Read the rules though, please put examples of your work, I won't accept ANYONE without examples, even if I've already seen your work.
RE: Spriting Contest [Looking for the best of the best!]

Ok. I will get them up in a few minutes.

EDIT: Here.


Do you need more?
RE: Spriting Contest [Looking for the best of the best!]

Here's mine:

Base: Manectrike
Wings: Taillow
Tail: Luxray
RE: Spriting Contest [Looking for the best of the best!]

Very good, both of you are accepted, 3 more spots!
RE: Spriting Contest [Looking for the best of the best!]

I'm sorry, please read my first post. The reason that there is an empty spot is because I asked someone to judge for me, but haven't gotten a reply. I would prefer it if I ask the judges personnally.
RE: Spriting Contest [Looking for the best of the best!]

okay thahts to bad :'( BUT it's your chose so i'm happy with it :)
RE: Spriting Contest [Looking for the best of the best!]

here is my first scene i have ever made:

and here is some more:
RE: Spriting Contest [Looking for the best of the best!]

Very good! Accepted!
RE: Spriting Contest [Looking for the best of the best!]

Here's my scene.

Scene: Made on Gimp
Sprite Resorce (taken from): Pokesho.com/icon
RE: Spriting Contest [Looking for the best of the best!]

Please try to keep them in order. Also, the contest hasn't begun.
RE: Spriting Contest [Looking for the best of the best!]

Can I join? Here are a few examples, but I can do any spriting ever invented :)
RE: Spriting Contest [Looking for the best of the best!]

Great, you are in!
RE: Spriting Contest [Looking for the best of the best!]

When does the contest start?
RE: Spriting Contest [Looking for the best of the best!]

I'm definitely going to join this if I'm going to remain my title. Although I need to learn how to make scenes and scratch sprites better.
