Spriting Contest [First Round ends Nov. 21, 5:11 P.M. EST]

RE: Spriting Contest [First Round ends Nov. 11, 7:30 P.M.]

Sorry about being late.
Anyways here's mine.
It's Cyndaquil & Eevee (also a re-color)

RE: Spriting Contest [First Round ends Nov. 11, 7:30 P.M.]

That is extremely good, but the round is a fusion of three Pokemon. You can leave this as your entry if you want (or make another one) but points will be taken for not sticking to the theme. Sorry...
RE: Spriting Contest [First Round ends Nov. 11, 7:30 P.M.]

My bad.
I'll make a new one.
*I will edit this post when it's finished.*

Edit: All done

Base: Absol (2nd Frame)
Fire: Quilava (1st Frame)
Wings: Starly (2nd Frame)

**I was going to do something with RK9....but it didn't work out as nice.**
RE: Spriting Contest [First Round ends Nov. 11, 7:30 P.M.]

cool Fire_Pokemon_Master
and i cant wait to see yours Light Venusaur!
RE: Spriting Contest [First Round ends Nov. 11, 7:30 P.M.]

Is there another one coming soon
RE: Spriting Contest [First Round ends Nov. 11, 7:30 P.M.]

Palmer is late and points will be taken, but nobody is disqualified until the end. Okay, I just need to contact the judges.
RE: Spriting Contest [First Round ends Nov. 11, 7:30 P.M.]

THis round ended yesterday, who got eliminated, and what are the scores!
RE: Spriting Contest [First Round ends Nov. 11, 7:30 P.M.]

Nobody is eliminated. I'll PM bonsly and LM to ask for their scores.
RE: Spriting Contest [First Round ends Nov. 11, 7:30 P.M.]

Can we post our second round entry?
RE: Spriting Contest [First Round ends Nov. 11, 7:30 P.M.]

Sure, but clearly state that it is for second round, I am waiting for bonsly's scores. Does anyone know what TZ he is in?
RE: Spriting Contest [First Round ends Nov. 11, 7:30 P.M.]

I don't think he's willing to tell us on the internet...

Can't we continue without his score? I'm getting really impatient, sorry, but I can get really impatient sometimes. Ans because I want the second round to start, I'm good at kirbys!
RE: Spriting Contest [First Round ends Nov. 11, 7:30 P.M.]

Scores and Coments:

Very good, no errors that I can see, it just looks a little odd. I would have chosen a slightly different color scheme. Remember, a Pokemon sprite can have up to 16 colors.

Light Venesaur:
No errors I can see, a very good sprite.

Very good, no recoloring errors and flows smootly from sprite to sprite. There are one or two outline errors, but not in connecting the sprites.

A lot of outline problems and a few place where it seems recolored oddly.

No sprite.

Fire_Pokemon_Master: 19/20
Light Venesaur: 18/20
riolu_ranger: 10/20
Palmer: 0/20

The first score is LM's, the second, mine. Even if your score seems bad, it can be raised; remember, nobody is bieng eliminated until the end. Since we had a no show, I'd like to tell everyone: if the deadline is too early, you can request that I move it.

only a 10.... o well better do better this round.
just so i know were did the recolor look odd and where were the outline problems?
Wow... I'm top!

EDIT: [attachment=3385]


  • skitty.PNG
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riolu_ranger said:
only a 10.... o well better do better this round.
just so i know were did the recolor look odd and where were the outline problems?

You should have used a color other than the brown and some parts of the outline were missing/not recolored.
I've posted ny skitty kirby entry for round two... when doe sit end? Shall we PM the contestants for their sprites?
*This is my 1st time doing a Kirbymon*
Here's my one:

**The アゲハント/Beautyfly is from Pokesho.com's one.**