I am not really looking for Legendaries at this point as they're all in Pokebank. Would be nice to own a Yvetal but I already have its dex entry and could borrow my brother's if I needed. Sorry.
LuigiFan191 said:
MrSquarepants, I like that shiny charizard that's for trade,and I've been trying to get one for a long time doing masuda method, and I've hatched 1000 eggs so far nothing. So I could trade a heracross holding its mega stone, or a Shiny Zoroark(Quiet Natured) for it. FC:4339-2630-4090
Hello, sorry to hear that 1,000 eggs...
If you have a female Adamant Heracross with a perfect 31IV attack and the ability Moxie I will do that. Best way to go about is to get an Adamant Synchronizer and catch a bunch of female Heracrosses. It doesn't need 5IV just at least attack that can't be beat, female and has Moxie. You might even into a shiny hunting in the safari as well.
Ignis, really I thought you had them on hand? Well if you still wanna go with it I would love a Togepi with 5IVs doesn't matter nature or gender or ability. I just a mate for my current 5iv female to breed a baby with Serene Grace.
Shiny Vincent I can do that trade.
SylveonandEspurrs I will check out your thread.